Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Cocleanians are a species of snail-like aliens from Insectopia.


A Cocleanian resembles a snail. They have brown lips, 2 eyestalks like Stinkfly, and 2 feelers above their mouth. They have 2 arms with claws and green goop lining the outside, and a tail with the same goop lining it. They have a golden shell with a spiral. While this coloration is the most common, varieties exist.

Female Cocleanians are much smaller than the males and have eyelashes on their eyestalks. Compared to the clothes worn by Escarg, they wear more feminine clothes, but retain their muscular physique, albeit not as much as males.

Powers and Abilities[]

A Cocleanian's muscular physique gives him a high degree of enhanced strength, as Escarg is able to fight on par with a Tetramand and hold his own against a Vaxasaurian at full size.

Their Shell is extremely durable, able to withstand laser fire, the weight of a Galilean and Boulders. By hiding in the shell, they can't be scared by Toepick.

A Colcleanian's goop is slippery and allows him to slip out of enemy holds and fend off Corrupturas. They also help produce powerful slime projectiles.

A Colcleanian's feelers above their mouth are prehensile and can function as extra hands. Their teeth are also very sharp.

Their eye-stalks have 360 Degree Vision. Their body can also squeeze into tight spaces.


Being a snail-like alien, a Coleanian is extremely slow, though they can somewhat circumvent this by sliding on their slime.

A Cocleanian's inner body is extremely frail and they can be knocked out if said area takes too much damage.

A Cocleanian's slimy body may hinder allies. As the shell lacks slime, it can also be exploited.

Notable Coleanians[]


Colcleanian is derived from "cochlea", the Latin Word for Snail.


  • Ironically enough, snails are molluscs, not insects, so them living on Insectopia may no make sense, but it was considered due to them being creepy-crawlies.
  • Cocleanians are physically stronger than Stagzys, but the latter don't believe this.
  • Cooked Cocleanians are considered a delicacy to many people in the Galaxy.
    • As they are the only species strong enough, many a Tetramand, Vaxasaurian and Appoplexian try to hunt down and catch them for food.