Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"we did a good deed today"

-Clam-Cannon after fucking murdering epictuskski (the person not the alien)

General Information
Species Shellheedan Mollusc
Home World Oyostuurr
DNA source Ouullbruth
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Pearl Spit, Water Breathing, Water Filtration, Chemical Coating

Clam-Cannon is the Omnitrix and Flumpyflix's sample of a Shellheedan Mollusc from the planet Oyosturr. He was one of Flys aliens and is soon to be used by Ogre.


Fly's Clam-Cannon is a large, chubby, semi-humanoid clam man. He has deep blue skin & big, purple lips. He has four tentacle legs to stand up on. He wears a pair of green shorts. The Omnitrix is on his stomach.

Ogre's Clam-Cannon has much larger boils / warts and its shorts have four "leg" holes instead of two. It has an extra pair of eyes, lips patterned with lighter stripes, and gills on the side of its neck. All green is also now replaced with red to fit with the Flumpyflix.

Powers and Abilities[]

Clam-Cannon's most notable power is to generate pearl-like cannonballs & spit them out with lethal force. With enough buildup, one of Clam-Cannon's pearls could take out a small building.

Clam-Cannon can breathe underwater.

Clam-Cannon can filter out toxic chemicals in nearby water by physically sucking the chemicals out of them.

Using the chemicals he's sucked out, Clam-Cannon can "tip" his cannonballs with different effects.


Clam-Cannon's body boils itself under intense heat.

Clam-Cannon needs external chemicals to coat his pearls. If the chemicals are particularly toxic, he will eventually die if they aren't expelled.


Clam-Cannon's name is just me putting the words clam and cannon next to each other because of alliteration.


Clam-Cannon was Fly's second alien after his original 10. He was sampled from an old friend of Fish, Ouullbruth, after travelling to meet him.

Clam-Cannon was locked when Fly's playlist was scrambled. He has yet to be re-unlocked.

Clam-Cannon is yet to be used by Ogre.


  • This is probably the most serious alien fly has in his entire arsenal i'll be honest
Trixters Aliens
Fly Akhuhoth | B.A.N.G. | Bee | Beer Float | Bellend | Ben Santa | Ben Sigma | Ben Woke | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Bleedgore | Boar Galore | Cfoolu | Clam-Cannon | Clippy | Dishcleaner | Drumz | epictuskski | Evil Killy Boy | Finfant | Fly Guy | Flyer | Frederickson | Glorben | Gobblegun | Homunculus | horse walks in | I'm Getting My Piece Of The Pie | I'M GONNA DIE | Longnose | Man | Monkey Rub Together for Static Electricity | Orange | Orangutan | Overround | Plot Armour | Pologre | Porridge | Prism | Pyrogre | Rattical | Retro Bro | Salmonai | Shmumbus | Snailien | Sputter | the brick | The Freakster | The Wurst | True Englutenment | Useless Bug | Vincent | Walkatrout | Western Corn Rootworm | Whatever | X | Zeus | Zimglops
Ogre Abraham Lincoln | All my Buddies | Ben Acquaintance | Ben Santa | Ben Woke | Billblegum | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Camel | Clam-Cannon | Clavi Gnat | cur.sys | DJ P1MPL3 P0PP3R | Dutto | Extension Cord | Fabricator | Fast-Rack | Fishneck | Flying Money | Golden Fretty | Glorben | Green Boy | Gus | Ismail | Jo Trout | Marco | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Parry the Platypus | Porridgemungousaur | PowerCow | Quark Fella | Ragdoll | Rowboat | Ruseter | Scorpion | SlugSlug | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | Turtatoll
Fish 2Daniel | Asterophora | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Jitterbug | Mawlight | Onion | Pompaw | Rook, Line, N' Tinker | Scapegoat | Speedawn | Sputter Annihilator | Starlight Starbright | Zimglops
Roach Carboneetle | Cruttnacker | Jabberwocky | Pinuncian | Snake Oil Snailsman
P03 Clavi Gnat | Flying Meatball | Ismail | Porridge God | The Evil Computer
The Nut Bleebo | cork walks in
Ultimates All my Buddies | Ben Woke | Camel | Flying Money | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Porridge | Porridgemungousaur | Rowboat | Scorpion | Sputter | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | True Englutenment |
Dream Aliens Gus | Heartwarming | M | Spungousaur
Other Burger Boy | Goop | Gorilla | Orangutan