Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The City of Lore is a residential metropolis occupying the highest level of reality in Earth-1776. It operates as the capital of the Earth-1776 reality, housing its most prestigious and renowned denizens.

It is essentially Earth-1776's analogue to the Christian concept of Heaven: people who have lived successful lives go there when their stories are over.

The City of Lore is momentarily locked in a losing war against the forces of Crimelord Direhart.


Early history of the City of Lore is unknown and will possibly be explored in a future Earth-1776 project.

It is unknown when the Karmic Council system of government arose, but evidently it did.

At some point, the Karmic Council began numbering its own iterations.

Prior to Sol 101[]

Some time prior to the events of Sol 101, Crimelord Direhart began his universal rebellion against the City of Lore.

Jules was eventually exiled from the City of Lore. His Holy MacGuffins were seized and he was outlawed from holding more.

Events of Sol 101[]

The 8,008,132nd Karmic Council is now in session.


The City of Lore, like all else in Earth-1776, is governed by the Karmic Council. The Karmic Council functions as a joint judiciary-legislative branch, and uses governmental action to regulate the rest of the universe. Among other things, they gatekeep immigration to the city, punish those who go against their ways, and communicate with the time god Solmas.

Karmic Council is also technically in charge of the Universal Library of Lore, though they have neglected their duties to it and it has since fallen into disrepair.

Because the Karmic Council has to handle an incredible amount of cases each "day" (they do govern the entire universe), the Council has engineered the swift Karma 2 Ü system. The Karma 2 Ü system sees trials handed in record time: at first the time was one hour, then roughly twenty-four minutes, but has been known to go down to twenty-two minutes and as low as eleven minutes. The rationale behind these developments is that the denizens of the universe have increasingly shortening time attention spans.

Karmic Council has no real obligation to do anything on behalf of the rest of the universe, nor do they really have the consent to govern. The members simply do what they want when they want to.

Karmic Council, as well as the rest of the City of Lore, is heavily criticized by outsiders. Their government is considered bloated, biased, and corrupt. They rarely interfere with the inhabitants of the universe when they do need help and instead meddle when their presence isn't wanted. The strong personalities that comprise the Council essentially tear it apart and prevent it from doing any real action that could be beneficial for the rest of the universe, if the Karmic Council would ever want to help the rest of the universe.


Thanks to the strong personalities that comprise the Karmic Council, it should be no surprise that their government factionalized. It should be noted that the factions are not mutually exclusive; one person can be a part of multiple.

  • Monochronists, who believe that there should only be one true timeline instead of having branched time.
  • Interventionists, who believe that the City of Lore should have a much more active role in the universe it governs.
  • Freedomites, who believe that the City of Lore should let reality exist without their intervention. They oppose Solmas's interference with the timestream.
  • Purists, who believe that the City of Lore is becoming bloated and weak. They seek to defeat Crimelord Direhart by any means necessary.
  • Neutralitarians, a now-defunct political faction that wished to make peace with Crimelord Direhart. Their leader was assassinated is now double-dead.

As of Sol 101, the Karmic Council is currently ruled by a joint Interventionist-Purist coalition. The main opposition is the Freedomites, organized by Jeremiah Joseph Plumm.


New residents to the City of Lore are selected and screened by the City of Lore whenever the Council feels like reviewing applicants. The process for application usually begins without the consent or knowledge of its subjects. The subjects are selected from all of the timelines in existence based on how prestigious and valorous they are, and if the Karmic Council likes them, they are offered access to the City of Lore. Citizens of the City of Lore essentially enter the afterlife here and are dubbed "Ascended" beings. Ascended beings are essentially immortal, as they do not require sustenance, nor do they age, and they cannot be killed by normal means.

Residents of the City include:


  • Crimelord Direhart
  • Jules - Exiled by Karmic Council.


  • Traveler Blue - His interstellar voyages are sponsored by the City of Lore.
  • The time god Solmas resides outside of the City.


  • The plane of existence that the City of Lore is settled upon is colloquially known as "Legend".
  • Similarities to the Time Variance Authority and the City of Lore are actually coincidental. I didn't learn about the TVA until 2021, and the City of Lore was originally designed roughly around 2018.
    • Actual inspirations include the following: Council of Reeds (Marvel Comics), Asgard (Marvel Comics), Valhalla, Heaven, the US government
  • Parallels can be drawn between City of Lore and the idealized state of California; depictions of the latter see it inhabited by stars.
