Chronos is an alien form of Imad 10, an alien with with limited Chronokinesis. It\s the DNA sample of a Tempusian of Planet Penduchron (for pendulum and Chrono). This alien's physique resembles a green, distinctively mechanical clockwork automaton with many clock-related features, like a solar quadrant head and a translucent torso filled with gears. This alien can slow down, accelerate or downright rewind time at will, but only to a certain extent. The more he uses his powers, the much more exhausted he becomes.
Tempusians are unusual aliens with the ability to control time; their control over time ranges from slowing it down, accelerating it, freezing it and rewinding it. However, their main power is also their greatest weakness. The more they warp time, the more feeble they become. A Tempusian without experience in time warping might even kill himself if he pushes his powers too far. This is the reason they rely almost exclusively on their super-advanced machinery for their societies to function, using their powers only in dire situations.