No known rating. |
Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 6 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Fright Night |
Next Greetings From Dimension X |
Ghost King was pacing around worriedly. A few of his minions wake up and float over to him.
#2: Hey boss-
Ghost King: Which one of you did it?
Ghost #1: Do what Majesty?
Ghost King: (Now sounding furious and violent) WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS SUMMONED NIGHTMARE KING!
Theme song!
Ghost #6: Sire. None of us...why? Is he on Earth!?
Ghost King: YES! He visited my dreams and taunted me, as usual. But I noticed he wasn`t in his dimension. He was in a canyon and Tennyson was in the background!
Ghost #3: (Gulping slightly) now sire, that could just be a trick he`s pulling on you-.
Ghost King:I used magic to check his realm...he`s GONE!
The Ghosts look worriedly at each other. They know what Nightmare King is capable of. And they know how much their Master and He hate each other. And they know very well what could happen if Nightmare King is loose for too long.
Ghost #1: Sire, go rest. We`ll scout for old Dino-Breath. And when we find him we`ll report back.
Ghost King stood there staring at his minions. He then nodded slightly.
Ghost King: Be careful you nimrods. If he spots you no telling what he`ll do.
Ghost King then leaves to where Nightmare King was first spotted. It`s dark enough for him to investigate without drawing too much attention.
Ghost King: I sense he entered from over there.
He carefully crept on tip-toe over to the grave the teens were sitting in front of the night before. He then stands there and looks at the grave, he seems to be contemplating if he should gently knock on it and find out more from whoever lays below it. But suddenly he hears soft crying. He panics and rushes over to the sound thinking one of his servants was attacked. Instead he finds Charmcaster sulking near the gate. He lets out a sigh of relief since the aforementioned scenario didn`t happen yet.
Charmcaster: (Has heard his sigh) WHO`S THERE!
Ghost King: (Gulping) I-I could ask the same about you. (He tries to regain composure and sound more intimidating) You`re here in a graveyard past visiting hours. And this is MY domain!
Charmcaster: The Guard. I`ll deal with you easily. (She creates two orbs of light from he hands to see better. She gasps once she and the Ghost lock eyes) You`re not a guard. You`re not even human!
Ghost King: (Looking annoyed) I told you this is MY DOMAIN! I don`t know how that could be misinterpreted. (He stops when he notices a mark on the side of her face) hey, what happened to your face?
Charmcaster: Gwen Tennyson.
Ghost King: Tennyson! Was Ben there too!? (He sees her shake her head) well, regardless...I can heal it if you want-
Charmcaster: No need (she heals it herself). I know magic.
Ghost King: So do I. What is your name?
Charmcaster: Charmcaster. I`m not telling you my real name because-
Ghost King: (Knowing what she`s about to say) "Because True Names Have Power" yeah I know. Me and my fellow spirits follow that rule too.
The Two stand looking at each other for a moment. Ghost King looks rather relaxed now that he knows there`s no danger. But he still has his guard up in case. Charmcaster rubs her arm. Not knowing how to react. Suddenly one of Ghost King`s minions pops up between them. Scaring them accidentally. Ghost King calms down, slaps his minion, and regains his composure.
Ghost #4: OWWW (rubbing his face) ok I admit I shouldn`t have done that while you were freaked out about-.
Ghost King covers his mouth. He doesn`t want Charmcaster to know what they`re up to. He gives him minion a "Shut up! We`re not alone" look. The Ghost turns to face her and waves slightly.
Ghost #4: Uh...hi? (He sees her wave back awkwardly).
Ghost King: What do you want to tell me. Whisper it into my ear if it`s important, minion.
Ghost #4: Nothing Sire. I just wanted to check on you. Me and the boys were worried.
Ghost King: Then run along and leave us be.
#4 nods and vanishes. Ghost King goes back to looking at Charmcaster.
Ghost King: I`d better get going. Nice meeting you. Hopefully we meet again.
Before She can answer a loud thud can be heard on the mausoleum to the right of them. They look up to see a bizarre Winged Humanoid has landed there. It screeches and flies upwards. Ghost King seems to know what`s coming next. He grabs her arm and runs as the winged humanoid flies after them.
Charmcaster: What is that!?
Ghost King: Mothman! Don`t look into his eyes! that`s how he gets you!
Charmcaster: I thought he only lives in Point Pleasant!
Ghost King: That Mothman was spawned there because of Chief Cornstalk`s curse! They`re paranormal entities that either carry out a curse or warn of disaster! That Mothman was there to terrorize at first but then he sensed the bridge was about to collapse so he tried to warn the humans! (They continue to jump over graves. And Mothman keeps up with them).
Mothman: (Speaking telepathically) you cannot outrun me!
Ghost King: Says you! (He gets an idea) Charmcaster, on my signal we both use our powers to make a bright orb of light! Ready? (He looks back to see her nod.) One! Two! Three! NOW! (They fire magic into a lamppost. this turns it on and Mothman becomes distracted by the light. They stop running).
Charmcaster: How long will that hold him?
Ghost King: Until the light burns out. That`ll be a long time from now. And if you`re wondering, Yes. I stared into his eyes. But I`m immune to his power. Now let`s go before the light dims. (Suddenly the Ghosts arrive and tackle Mothman.) Or...until that happens?
Ghost #5: Alright Mothy. Why`d you attack the boss and his new friend!?
Mothman: (Still using Telepathy) I did it because people have been coming here releasing all sorts of things. The residents of this graveyard called out for help and I answered it. How was I supposed to know that`s the Ghost King!?
Ghost King: Let him up. He`s no longer a threat. (His minions cautiously do so. The Mothman floats upwards and perches onto a gravestone.) Let`s go. Mothman has a lot of work to do and we distracted him long enough. Miss Charmcaster. If you want to accompany me and my boys we`re fine with that. (He outstretches his hand to her) if not, that`s fine too. Right Boys?
The Ghosts nod. Charmcaster stands there thinking it over. She then takes Ghost King`s hand.
Ghost King: (Smiling a little) Welcome to my crazy afterlife.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Ghost King and Charmcaster meet and start to become friends.
- Ghost King knows Nightmare King has escaped.
Minor Events[]
- Mothman appears. His backstory is slightly revealed.
- Ghost King
- Charmcaster
- Ghost #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Gwen Tennyson (Mentioned)
- Ben Tennyson (Mentioned)
- Mothman (Redeemed)
- Nightmare King (Mentioned)
Aliens Used[]
- None
- Mothmen are revealed to be both Good and Bad depending on why it`s in an area.
- Nightmare King invades Ghost King`s dreams at least once a night to gloat to him or taunt him.
- Ghost King and his fellow Ghosts follow the "Real Name" rule. Where they keep their true identities hidden from the world.