Charmed, I'm Sure is the fifth episode of Kalus 10.
Kalus is in an empty void and looks around confused then is surprised to see the large squid alien laughing menacingly. He tells him he’s coming for him soon before opening his mouth and swallowing Kalus.
Kalus sits up in bed, realising it was all just a dream. His mother walks into the room and asks if everything is okay. He lies that everything fine and she leaves, concerned. The next morning Kalus walks down into the kitchen with heavy bags under his eyes. His mother notes how tired he’s been for the past few nights and asks if it’s linked to the nightmare he had last night, but he lies that he’s just a bit stressed from school. She tells him she’s booked a therapist to see him, which he doesn’t like since it means he’ll be sat in a room for an hour telling someone about his problems. She tells him to go to just one session and he’s allowed to leave if he feels uncomfortable. He sighs and decides to go to not disappoint her.
Kalus arrives at the therapist session and she asks him to come in. He sits in the chair and she introduces herself as Hope, telling him he must feel as comfortable as possible before speaking. He is unsure of what to say and at first says nothing, then she tells him sometimes people need to engage in a general conversation to feel more comfortable with a person, so she asks him about his watch. He says it was a gift from a grandparent who brought it back with them on holiday. She asks if it does anything special and he says it’s just a watch. She says it looks a lot like a symbol she’s seen somewhere and when she seems to become too interested, he stands up to leave, but is immediately pulled back down by an unknown force. He wonders what’s happening and Hope takes off her outfit and glasses to reveal she’s actually a sorceress called Charmcaster. He realises she must be related to Hex and she tells him that Hex was her uncle, who is now rotting in a cell because of him. She says she will succeed where Hex failed and pulls out the staff that Hex used. Kalus remembers it and asks if she used the same spell Hex used, and she replies that she learnt all her spells from Hex, but learnt to do more with her magic and pulls 2 stones out of her bag which become stone dog-like creatures and growl at Kalus.
Before either of them can pounce Kalus turns into Grey Matter (but is annoyed since he tried turning into Shocksquatch) and leaps off the chair, running from the dog creatures. Charmcaster laughs as she watches Grey Matter struggle to escape, and the dogs keep blocking every exit he finds. One of them grabs him but his slippery amphibious body slips out and he decides to use his brains to get out of there since he isn’t strong enough to fight. He sees a vent high on the wall and looks for a way to get up to it, so he climbs a tall plant. The dogs try knocking it over but he leaps onto a clock which he climbs up. Charmcaster uses Hex’s staff to fire a blast but he jumps off the clock and onto a lamp, the clock being destroyed by the blast. She fires another blast but he jumps clear and grabs onto the vent, climbing inside. One of her dogs leaps up but is too large to fit through the vent.
Soon Kalus in human form leaves the building, hoping Charmcaster gave up, but he hears screams and seconds later the dogs run from the building. He makes a run for it and they spot him, giving chase. Charmcaster steps out seconds later and smirks, telling Kalus he can run but he can’t hide. Kalus makes his way to Bellwood Park where he looks for a place to hide. He wants to use Armodrillo to dig underground but the omnitrix is still charging so he keeps running. However he soon comes to the lake and they corner him, approaching from either side. He knows he can’t keep running but he looks at the water and gets an idea, then the omnitrix recharges and he jumps into the river, becoming Ripjaws once he’s under, and the dogs leap him after him, but due to being made of stone they sink to the bottom. Charmcaster sees this and cries out in annoyance, then Ripjaws leaps out of the water and stands over her, telling her to just give up or she’ll suffer the same fate as her uncle did. She refuses and uses the staff to fire flames, which begin to dry up Ripjaws and he falls to one knee. He turns to go back into the water and crawls in but when he does Charmcaster uses the staff again, using it to control the water and turn the lake into a whirlpool. Ripjaws finds himself spinning around and struggles to stop, then Charmcaster makes the water shoot him into the air and he lands, falling unconscious. Charmcaster stands over him victoriously.
Kalus wakes up and finds himself back in Charmcaster’s office, which now appears more like a dungeon than an office. He tries to activate the omnitrix but can’t due to his arms being tied. Charmcaster appears and tells him to give her the omnitrix. He points out it can’t be taken off but she refuses to believe so and tries to pry it off with her hands, but it won’t budge. She uses a spell to dismantle the watch and make it fall off his wrist but it seems to be immune to her magic. He gets an idea and tells her he knows a code to take the omnitrix off, but he’ll only tell her if she promises to let him go afterward. She agrees and he tells her to press the button, twist the dial and press the faceplate down. She does this, not knowing this is how he transforms, and ends up turning him into Big Chill, who phases out of his restraints and through the floor, disappearing and causing her to let out a frustrated cry.
Kalus is at home laying in bed, wondering what to do if Charmcaster returns. His thoughts are cut off when his mother appears and asks how the session went. He tells her it went okay to avoid telling her what actually happened and she says she might go herself because she’s been under a lot of pressure lately, especially with all those aliens she hates all over the news at the minute. Kalus has to bite his tongue to stop himself saying anything and tries to come up with a reason to convince her not to go but she is determined to go anyway.
Kalus decides to follow his mother to make sure she’s okay and to protect her if Charmcaster tries anything. When she enters Charmcaster’s office Kalus watches the session through a keyhole and wonders if Charmcaster will know that it’s his mother. However his mother tells her, to his annoyance. This intrigues Charmcaster, who tries to learn more about her personal life. She then tells his mother that Kalus has been getting involved with alien activity recently, and Kalus realises he has to stop her so he turns into Goop and slides under the door before wrapping his body around Charmcaster. Kalus’s mother exclaims that Will Harangue was right and thinks Goop is just attacking an innocent person, but Goop tries to explain that Charmcaster is the villain here and is actually after Kalus. He points out that legitimate therapists are supposed to keep their clients’ details confidential which makes Kalus’s mother think for a moment. Knowing she’s about to get found out, Charmcaster uses a spell that releases a gust of wind around her, blowing Goop’s body against a wall and making his mother have to hold on to avoid being blown away. However she is unable to keep her grip and is thrown through the window. Goop realises she’s in trouble so he flies after her and uses his slimy body to cushion the landing, protecting her. He asks if she still thinks he’s a menace but before she can respond Charmcaster appears and uses a gravity spell to lift Goop in the air. She tells him she won’t fail the same way her uncle did but he spits a ball of slime at her face, making her lose concentration and drop him. He grabs his mother and runs before finding himself cornered in an alley. Charmcaster pulls a rock from her bag and throws it, and it becomes a giant golem-like creature. Goop places his mother in a bin and asks her to stay in there where she’s safe while he fights the creature. It attacks him but upon coming into contact with his body its fists start to melt due to him being acidic. Goop thinks he has an advantage due to his acidic body but then reverts, which his mother sees. She screams at Kalus to run and he realises she saw him transform and the rock creature is now aware she’s there. It approaches her but Kalus throws a can at its head to get its attention. He runs away and it follows.
Charmcaster hovers after Kalus and the rock creature and watches as he leads it into the streets, trying to escape. He trips and the rock creature stands above him, preparing to bring its fist down on him, but his mother appears and gets its attention by throwing a brick. The creature turns its attention to her, despite Charmcaster yelling at it to attack Kalus, but Kalus dives out of anyone’s view before turning into Armodrillo. He grapples with the creature before it lifts him and throws him into a building. It charges but he creates an earthquake to make it stumble before he uppercuts it into the air. When it comes back down he holds up his drill arms and destroys it, smashing it to pieces. He turns his attention to Charmcaster and she backs away before summoning her 2 rock dog creatures to block him. He destroys them both with ease before going to attack Charmcaster again but she’s gone.
Kalus and his mother go home without either of them saying a word. When they get home Kalus apologises and asks if she’s ashamed, since she hates the aliens on the news so much. However to his surprise she tells him she’s proud, since Kalus stands up for people and has been so brave for the past week or so. He asks if she’s mad but she replies that she’s happy for him, but makes him promise her he won’t be too reckless. He promises and they hug, Kalus glad that his mother is proud of him.
Meanwhile Hex is sitting in a cell when Charmcaster approaches it and he looks up, telling her it took her long enough.
- Kalus Stone
- Mrs Stone
Aliens Used[]
- Grey Matter (selected alien was Shocksquatch)
- Ripjaws (first appearance)
- Big Chill (cameo)
- Goop
- Armodrillo
- This is the first episode in which Jacob does not appear.
Previous: The Alliance
Next: The Stalker