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Cerebrocrustaceans are a crustacean-like species from the planet Encephalonus IV in the Encephalonus System in Ben 10: Man of Action.


Cerebrocrustaceans closely resemble giant crabs with very large heads. They have two arms with claws sprouting from the sides of their heads; and four or six pointy legs for walking at the base of their stubby torsos.

Cerebrocrustaceans have an exoskeleton, the most prominent feature of which are the two skull plates that cover their heads. A Cerebrocrustacean can open these plates to expose their huge, pink, corrugated brain underneath. Their exoskeleton can appear orange/brown, or other "crabby colors"; and they have small spines poking out around their face and on the top of their skull plates.

A Cerebrocrustacean's face is composed of only two eyes and a mouth. They can emote with their mouths, though they do not use them to talk.

As a Cerebrocrustacean ages, their exoskeleton gets darker and it becomes harder for them to shed it, giving it a crackly and crusty appearance. Cerebrocrustaceans also grow chitin exoskeleton extensions to signal maturity, resembling a beard.


The Cerebrocrustaceans' predecessors had previously depleted all of the natural electrical resources of the planets Encephalonus I, II, and III; compromising their own solar system.

Learning from the mistakes of their ancestors and determined not to repeat past disastrous errors, the modern Cerebrocrustaceans of Encephalonus IV have evolved to be able to generate their own electrical storms just by thinking hard enough, contributing to the atmospheric energy of their home world, rather than depleting it.

Cerebrocrustaceans occasionally organize field trips to Encephalonus I, II and III to remind themselves of their history and to conduct archeology.

The Cerebrocrustaceans created the Cyber Squids to act as helpers, based on their predatory species, the Vicetopus, which they have tamed.



Cerebrocrustaceans are filter feeders.


Cerebrocrustacean "teeth" are actually plates of baleen, used to filter small animals like krill and plankton.

Cerebrocrustaceans have blue blood, due to having hemocyanin (containing copper) as the oxygen-carrying protein instead of hemoglobin (containing iron).

Powers and Abilities[]

A Cerebrocrustacean's cranium holds an immense brain, giving them super-massive intelligence that is too high to be measured on a human scale. They can solve very difficult calculations mentally in roughly seconds, and know and can visualize equations and trajectories of objects as if they're actually there. They can even determine mechanical values and physical properties by simply looking at them. With their intellect, Cerebrocrustaceans can perfectly understand the mindsets and mannerisms of their enemies, take advantage of weaknesses, and any useful objects around them, so they can know exactly what moves to make to take down their enemies. Brainstorm's IQ is shown to be 10^30, or one nonillion.

Cerebrocrustaceans can produce and manipulate electricity by both thinking hard enough and opening the exoskeleton plates on their skulls. This electrical energy can be used in a variety of ways, such as electrocuting or launching enemies and disabling or destroying machinery. They can also charge up their electrical energy to produce a concentrated beam of electricity. Additionally, they can control the voltage of their electrokinetic attacks. Cerebrocrustaceans can also generate constructs with their electricity.

Cerebrocrustaceans are capable of conducting their electricity throughout their bodies. They are also able to fire electricity out of their pincers.

Cerebrocrustaceans can use their electrokinesis to telekinetically move objects, the size and mass of which ranging from trains to living beings without damaging or hurting them. Cerebrocrustaceans can also control machinery and other technology by with their electricity, giving them a form of technokinesis.

Cerebrocrustaceans can generate pulses from their brains to block attacks and knock away enemies, generate protective force fields and even produce electrical storms.

Cerebrocrustaceans can levitate several stories above the ground.

Cerebrocrustaceans are strong enough to pin opponents against walls using their pincers or rip off an Arachnachimp's webs or crush a refrigerator with their pinchers. Their pincers are also sharp enough to stab through metal.

Despite having a soft body, Cerebrocrustaceans are very durable thanks to their shells, which can withstand laser and gun fire. Their exoskeletons can also act like a protective coat-like layer, which can resist the cold temperatures of places such as mountains. Cerebrocrustaceans become more durable as they age.

Cerebrocrustaceans are very agile and can perform acrobatics such as somersaults and forward rolls. Their agility reduces as they age.

Cerebrocrustaceans are capable of breathing underwater thanks to their gills, which they have to keep moist when they are on land.

Cerebrocrustaceans can scale walls.


A Cerebrocrustacean's electric attacks are ineffective against weapons that were made specifically for electrokinetic aliens.

If a Cerebrocrustacean's shell is closed when releasing electricity, it will shock and injure their brain.

Because Cerebrocrustaceans need to concentrate to use his electrokinesis, things that cause them headaches, such as the sonic screams of a Sonorosian, can impair them.

Cerebrocrustaceans are at a massive disadvantage against a Vicetopus due to their large size and resistance to electricity.

Cerebrocrustaceans have difficulty walking on slippery surfaces, such as snow and ice.

Though Cerebrocrustaceans can tear it off, they can be immobilized by an Arachnachimp's webbing if they get hit with enough of it.

Notable Cerebrocrustaceans[]

  • Brainstorm (the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Cerebrocrustacean)


Ben 10: Man of Action
Main Ben Tennyson - Gwen Tennyson - Kevin Levin - Max Tennyson
Recurring Carl Tennyson - Devin Levin - Frank Tennyson - Hazel Levin - Ken Tennyson - Natalie Tennyson - Providence (Enoch - Dr. Joseph Chadwick - Lt. Steel - Dr. Victor Validus) - Sandra Tennyson - Zennith
Other Azmuth - Verdona Tennyson
Albedo - DNAliens - Highbreed
Ball Weevil - Big Chill - Brainstorm - Brute Fource - Chromastone - Construx - Goop - Mimisthetic - Vine-al Warning - XLR8
Organizations Liberation - Providence - Weaponmasters of Techadon
Sapient Anodite - Baerein - Cerebrocrustacean - Crystalsapien - Errosapien - Fulmini - Kineceleran - Lapluromini - Necrofriggian - Omeluca - Osmosian - Polymorph - Scybalonomus
Celestial Bodies
Planets Anodyne - Curculionis V - Deouleon - Encephalonus IV - Fulmas - Khoros - Kinet - Kylmyys - Ml'Yub - MorOtesi - Osmos V - Piscciss - Techadon - Viscosia - Wridhe
Stars Pyros
Solar Systems Kostruer Belt
Devices Anti-Gravity Projector - Omnitrix
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