
Cataclysm is the Proto-Ultimatrix's DNA sample of an Elementonis from the planet Naturena. Cataclysm's design was created by Marcus Vms.
Cataclysm is a life-form based on the four main elements found around the Earth and other places in the known universe. He has a black magma skull dipped into a mucky water, creating steam, which is located on top of a black coral. He has a dark rock torso which also burns with red magma, as well as wooden arms and legs. On his arms are located mucky water bubbles, while on his leg are wind bubbles. His fingers are dark red, while his toes are made of stone. He has a black tube connecting his left arm to his head, and the Proto-Ultimatrix symbol is located on his abdomen.
Powers and Abilities[]
Cataclysm is able to manipulate lava, water, air and earth, as well as plants.
Using too much of the four elements at a time can tire him, forcing Albedo to return to his human form, like what happened to Ben during his first usage of the alien.
Ultimate Cataclysm[]
Ultimate Cataclysm is the Proto-Ultimatrix's DNA sample of an Evolved Elementonis from the planet Naturena. Ultimate Cataclysm's design was created by Marcus Vms.
Ultimate Cataclysm has a water head, as well as a wooden mask and blue horns. He has a wooden chest and right arm, which is covered in green vines and has a wind tunnel on the shoulder. His right hand is also made of blue fire. His left shoulder is composed of a spiked rock covered in multi-colored crystals, as well as a metal arm. His body is made of blue rocks and his legs are made of storms, which create electrical charges. His tail is made of wind and black rocks. The Proto-Ultimatrix symbol is still located on his abdomen. He has a tail made of water.
Powers and Abilities[]
His powers are the same, only even stronger and more powerful.
Due to his massive body, Ultimate Cataclysm can be easily dodged.

Older Version: