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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Cat-a-pullt is an alien in 40: The Last Splixson. He is an Mottlikitta from the Planet Felinedom.

General Information
Species Mottlikitta
Home World Felinedom
Body Cat-like
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Extreme Agility
Wall Scaling
Advanced Tail Structure
Object launching
Voice Actor Bill Kopp
First Appearance Novatrix Uncovered


He looks like a crouched down, brown cat. Except that, his back sounds like a saddle like thing, and his tail structure is like a catapult's launcher. He has sharp claws and sharp teeth. He is about a lion's size.


With his special tail structure, he can launch objects of varying sizes and weight, ranging from boulder-size up to the size of a modern Porsche! He is also agile, and he can scale walls easily. 


  • He often meows instead of saying actual words, making him somewhat ununderstandable.
  • He is afraid of dogs and water.


40: The Last Splixson[]

Cat-a-pullt, while testing his powers, flung objects around, and then timed out.

He makes a cameo at the beginning of the episode moving away the wreckage of the crashed ship.

Cat-a-pullt flings Willie outside the G.P. Brisk II; him and Fred wanting to freefall to Willie's home.

He scurries up Carnage's armored skirt and sinks his claws into his thighs.


  • He was originally gonna be called Catapult, simply.