Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Grade-bolt Albedo
General Information
Species Arburian Mechamorph
Home World Galvan B
Body robotic humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Sphere Transformation,
   Durable Shell,
   Energy Reflection,
   Sharp Claws,
   Interface & Control Technology,
   Laser Eye Beam,
   Stretching Arms,
   Machine Transformation,
   Enhanced Strength
First Appearance And Then There Was Kurt 10

Cannongrade is the fusion of Cannonbolt and Upgrade


Kurt 10[]

Season 1

  • And Then There Was Kurt 10

Season 2

Kurt 10
Main Characters Kurt Negason - George Negason - Eve Negason
Secondary Characters Eight-eight - Zak Saturday - Drew Saturday - Zon - Fiskerton - Doc Saturday - Doyle Blackwell - Komodo - P'andor - Galapagus - Andreas - Dreg
Villians Ultimate Kevin 11 - Negrox - Negrox's Army - XLRVicktor - Vicktorgrade - Mechanical Mermen - Lava Sentinel - Bowser - Plaguer - Zs'Skayr - Vilgax - Kraab - Sixsix - Sevenseven - Fusion Ra'ad
Devices Divinematrix - Malefictrix - Superpowermatrix - Snackatrix - Fusimatrix - Arcanatrix - Goditrix - Gataronitrix - Ruby Claws - Kurt's Scythe - Mystic Amulet - Zorgatrix
Divinematrix Aliens Cannongrade - Dimondarms - Heatchuck - XLRfreak - Mummywolf - Cannonfly - Terrahazard - NRGrade - Chromadrillo - Cannonrath - Kurtwolf - Kurtmummy - Muttvine - Cannonsaur - XLRNRG - Muttfreak - Kid Buu (Fusimatrix) - Dark Shenron - The Fool - The Magician - The Empress - The Emperor - The Lovers - The Chariot - Temperance - The Strength - The Fiend - The Moon - The World - Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Malefic Cyber End Dragon - Malefic Paradox Dragon - Malefic Parallel Gear - Malefic Rainbow Dragon - Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon - Malefic Stardust Dragon - Malefic Truth Dragon - Winged Dragon of Ra - Obelisk the Tormentor - Slifer the Sky Dragon - Wicked Avatar - Wicked Dreadroot - Wicked Eraser - Ultimate Muttfreak - Ultimate EchoFibian - The Ultimate Fusion - Andromea - KurtKraab - AmpFibian - Shadow AmpFibian - Shadow XLRNRG
Divinematrix Borrowed Aliens Drillplanet (Omi) - Cannonplanet (Omi) - DriNML (Omi) - Reptilian (Dan Tennyson) - Sunstorm (Omi) - Mrotsnus (Omi)
Zorgatrix Aliens Upgrade - Cannonbolt - Nightmare - Buzzshock - Bonehead - Rubix Dude - Ripjaws - Frostbite - Armodrillo - Kurtjaws - RockHead - Dimensional
Zorgatrix Borrowed Aliens Moot (Solo)
Superpowermatrix Aliens Insect Manipulation - Earth Manipulation - Water Manipulation - Fire Manipulation - Blood Manipulation - Superstrength - Flight - Crystal Manipulation - Superspeed - Invisibility - Lava Manipulation
Snackatrix Aliens Master Shake - Meatwad - Tri-horn - Frylock - Diamondhead - Heatblast - Upgrade - Upchuck - Four Arms
Gataronitrix Aliens Terramite - Sonicboom - Beast - Slimeslug (Gataronitrix) - Water Serpent - Opposite Forces - Soulseeker - Thin-Ice - Flare - WildWing - Ultimate Thin-Ice
