Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Services (in the context of CaTCo) differ from shops in that the content created is not directly outlined by the requester or subscriber. Services run by CaTCo include:

CaT Reviews![]


Arguably the most popular review service on the wiki, CaT Reviews! takes an honest and humorous look at media from around the wiki, from the good to the bad to the downright awful (usually the latter).

The CaT Gazette[]


The wiki's only consistently active newsletter at the moment, The CaT Gazette is a personal newsletter delivered every Sunday to the Message Walls of everyone who subscribes.

It contains news about CaT's personal projects, the wiki, and Ben 10 in general, along with a Featured Article of the week, Ads for various things around the wiki, a meme or comic of some kind, and a section where CaT talks about a piece of art he made this past week.

Despite the somewhat self-indulgent nature of the Gazette, it's become fairly popular around the wiki, having 17 subscribers and even more readers.
