Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Heliosinge
Home World Stefilius
Personality Type INFJ-T (Advocate)
Age 19 (Stefilian Years)
~21 (Human Equivalent)
Status In University
Abilities and Equipment
Abilities Heliokinesis
Enhanced Strength
Equipment SapienSwitch
First Appearance TBA

Byuryte is a character that inhabits the world of Tech X+. She was originally created for (and won by default) the Spring Fanon Con 2021 Character Competition.


Byuryte was born on her home world of Stefilius and was labeled 'male' at birth (the rough Heliosinge equivalent of it, at any rate). Heliosinge externally display little in terms of sexual dimorphism, save for in the strength of the aura around them; males tend to be born with a naturally strong glow, while females are born with naturally weaker glows. Byuryte was born with an incredibly bright aura, leading to her designation as an exceptionally strong male.

While Byuryte was indeed strong, she often found herself uncomfortable with the expected social traits of males and took to acting in a more 'feminine' manner (again, culturally paraphrasing). This led to a level of ostracization among her peers- though her physical strength ensured direct harassment was rare- and drew ire from her parents, who frequently tried to pressure her into being more 'masculine'.

This tension with her parents eventually evolved into violent beatings from her mother, who described Byuryte's behavior as "disturbing" and "unnatural". Her father didn't participate in the physical abuse, but made no attempts to intervene in it either, usually just trying to distance himself from his daughter and telling her to listen to her mother. Byuryte soon only ever felt safe in public, as even though Heliosinge society found crossing assigned gender boundaries off-putting, one thing most of them would not tolerate was child abuse.

After years of abuse and several suicide attempts, this constant violence eventually culminated when an adolescent Byuryte snapped during a beating and fought back, knocking her mother out with one clean hit. Her father became enraged and threw her out of their home right then and there, expelling her from the household without allowing her to collect any of her belongings.

Uprooted with nothing to her name, Byuryte decided to flee Stefilius, leaving everything that had happened behind her. She decided to stow away on a random cargo freighter leaving the planet, sure that anywhere she ended up would be more promising for her. She left the freighter at its first stop to avoid being discovered, and found herself in the shipping center of the Salt Lake City starport. She made her way into the main body of the spaceport, and after asking an employee for assistance, was directed to the spaceport's branch of Alien Immigration Services.

Initially denied entry to Earth due to not carrying any form of ID, she was able to provide her Stefilius Citizen Registration Code, and after a quick background check, was allowed to apply for assistance from AIS. She met with one Dr. Emilia Krauze, who provided her with a SapienSwitch and several career suggestions. While deciding the specifics of her SapienSwitch's human DNA sample, Byuryte chose a female body, and immediately upon transforming, found herself more comfortable in her body than she had ever been.

Inspired by the experience, she ultimately decided to attend university and major in Universal Psychology. Though it took a while to get accepted into a university, her diligent work ethic eventually paid off, and she consistently ranks as one of the top students in her courses.


Usually timid in most day-to-day interactions, Byuryte's innate passion shines through when working with those that have struggled with abuse and identity issues like she has, often catching people unfamiliar with her off-guard when the quiet, focused student they've seen so far transforms into a fiery advocate for abuse survivors and the LGBTQIA+ community.

Described as bright-eyed and glowing with determination (sometimes literally in her Heliosinge form), Byuryte has a reputation for both being able to deliver strongly-worded speeches and provide gentle words of comfort to those in need. While still apprehensive about being alone with people, she's done her best to overcome this obstacle in order to provide help for those keeping their identities otherwise secret out of fear for their own safety.


As a Heliosinge, Byuryte has to ability to absorb and manipulate solar energy, becoming more powerful the more she absorbs. As noted above, she was born with a particularly impressive version of these abilities.

As a human, her exceptional physical condition was carried over into her SapienSwitch sample, making her impressively strong and durable, albeit not superhuman in any sense of the word.



SapienSwitches are small, Omnitrix-like devices that allow aliens to assume human form in order to make better use of Earth's human-focused infrastructure.


  • The name "Byuryte" is just a corruption of the word "Bright" lmao.
  • Guess who unearthed some more traumatic memories writing the History section haha yeet Exhaustedcat