Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Buzzticguana N10
General Information
Species Polar Manzardill/Nosedeenian
Home World None
DNA source None
Body Iguana
Alternate Counterparts None
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Ice Breath

Cyro Immunity Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Durability

Enhanced Agility

Wall Climbing


Self Duplication

Sonic Screams


First Appearance Beneath the Ice

Buzzticguana is the Biomnitrix fusion of Buzzshock and Arctiguana.


Buzzticguana looks like Arctiguana, but his skin is black, like Buzzshock. On his arms, are grey bolts similar to those on Buzzshock's, and his legs are short, resembling those on Buzzshock. On his shoulders are green x's, and the green clothing he has is in similar fashion to Buzzshock.

Powers and Abilities[]

Buzzticguana can emit both electricity and ice, or both at the same time, as electrical energy stored inside ice, with the potential to both electrocute and freeze the opponent. The same can be said for his electrical frost breath, also able to do the same. If needed, Buzzticguana can travel via electrical energy. 


See Arctiguana and Buzzshock

