Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


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Buildevil is the Hero Watch's DNA sample of a Planchaküle from the planet Aul-Turrhen. Buildevil's design was created by RaphaLXIV.


Buildevil has blue hair, devilish wings and wears a blue mechanic outfit. He also wears black boots and the Hero Watch symbol is located on his belt.


Buildevil has a strong desire to break and remake machines, making him difficult to control.

Buildevil has a mischievous (and twisted) sense of humor, as seen when Juryrigg turned Will Harangue into an alien as punishment for all the smear campaigns and crimes he committed against Ben and other aliens.

Buildevil has several catchphrases, such as "Buildevil disassemble!", "FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX!", and "Reassemble, disassemble!"

Powers and Abilities[]

Buildevil has the ability to completely disassemble any kind of machinery in mere seconds, fitting to his Gremlin appearance. Despite it being harder for him to do due to his craving to destroy things, Juryrigg can also construct complex machinery from scratch at a similar rate.

Buildevil has enhanced strength for his size, being able to break both a metal car brake in half and some metal bars that even an Appoplexian could not break. Buildevil has a degree of enhanced agility, and, as in accordance with his break it/fix it attributes, Buildevil boasts an impressive intellect, describing himself as "smart and stubborn".


Being small makes Buildevil unsuitable for hand-to-hand combat against larger opponents, unless they happen to be machines, in which case, he can dismantle them in seconds. As mentioned above, Buildevil has a near uncontrollable habit of breaking and assembling machinery.

Most of the devices Buildevil creates are basically on-the-fly or 'jury-rigged'. They are not normally meant to last and will eventually fail. Buildevil's creations can also be unstable and hard to control, much like Buildevil himself.



