Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Bugbrain is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Brosectian from the planet Brosectia.

This is an Osmosian217 alien/page. Check out Osmosian217 Aliens for more information.


Bugbrain is an insectoid-like alien, with an exoskeleton hide colored dark blue and dark magenta and its main body is colored dark indigo and black. Bugbrain has a segmented bug body with the segments being the exoskeleton, 3 sets of 2 antennas that have 2 joints, with hook on the ends, 6 double jointed legs, a flat-like head, many insect-like green eyes and the Omnitrix symbol is on its chest.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • 360 degree Vision: Bugbrain can see in all directions with its many insect-like eyes hidden behind its visor.
  • Bio Silk Generation: Bugbrain can produce a lime colored “bio silk” from its mouth and thorax. It is elastic, and can be used to conduct electricity, merge with technology like wires, and hold things together like a spider’s web.
  • Exo Skeleton: Bugbrain has an exoskeleton hide that is quite durable.
  • Flight: Bugbrain can fly with its wings that emerge from its middle set of antennae.
  • Intelligence: Bugbrain is as smart as Galvan.
  • Self-Duplication: Similar to Sonorosian, Bugbrain can create many clones of itself with one sentient hive mind.

Weaknesses and Faults[]

  • Durability: Its exoskeleton has a limit to its durability.
  • Size: Bugbrain is only 10 inches long from head to thorax.
  • Spread Out: The more clones Bugbrain creates, the more its intelligence is weakened and spreaded out to all the clones. 2 clones can share half of its full intelligence, 3 can have a third, 4 can have a fourth, etc. Bugbrain however can choose on how much a clone has an amount of intelligence, but all clones retain their instinctive bodily functions.


Bugbrain’s name comes from the words “Bug” and “Brain” indicating that it is a bug and it has a brain.

Brosectian and Brosectia are the fusion of the words “Brother” as in “Brothers in Arms”, a saying of banding together in combat, and “Insect”, because it's a bug-like alien.

Gallery and Credits[]

The original name was “Peabrain” indicating its size and brain, but the name was changed for creative reasons.

This is the first “intelligence” based alien Osmosian217 created, having the idea of a very smart bug that could become its own hive and workers on projects.

Some of the design inspirations come from the pokemon “Scolipede” and “Genesect”, and designs from scarabs and beetles.
