Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
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                      This is an episode of the series Evfnye 10.

Brain Power is the eleventh episode of Evfnye 10.


Evfnye as XLR8 is fighting two criminals disguised as felines, and succedes, after bringing them down. He fought them because they stole an illegal drug, and because of this he examines it as Grey Matter once he times in. He finds out there was cocaine in the container, but one of the criminals wakes up and throws Grey Matter away, defeating him and quickly escaping from the hero.

Evfnye then is very disappointed and thinks Grey Matter should be able to fight better. He finds a quiet place to think about it, which is his garage in the HQ. He transforms into Grey Matter once again and thinks about how he could possibly fight in a different way from all the aliens he already has, wanting something original. After trying to mutate Grey Matter, he remembers he can hack the Omnitrix. He does it, and builds a robotic suit. He wears it, and sets the Omnitrix to save mode to save the suit. He reverts back into Evfnye and is ready to test out his new creation. He uses his vision to estabilish where the drug users went, and he fights them. He succedes and brings them to the police. Then he is very proud of himself, but is so tired he can't fight anymore, and wants just a relax.



  • Criminals

Aliens Used[]


  • Robotic Grey Matter's transformation has the same sequence as normal Grey Matter, just with the suit added.