Ben 10: Ultimate Hero | |
Season 1, Episode 4 | |
Directed by | Revan100 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous The Accused |
Next Prominent |
(Albedo is sleeping in a dim lighted room, next to the Communications Room. Creeking noises are heard.)
(Albedo get's out from his bed, and looks around.)
ALBEDO: Who's there?
(Suddenly, the roof of the room tears apart, and above appears to be Ben Tennyson, gigantic in size.)
ALBEDO: Tennyson!? How---
(Before he could react, Ben raises his foot up and slams it down towards Albedo.)
(Albedo wakes up, realizing it was just a dream.)
(Inside the communication center. Albedo is eating breakfast. The Envoy appears on his imaging system.)
ENVOY: You seem restless, Albedo.
ALBEDO: I'm fine.
ENVOY: No, you are not. You must of had another nightmare.

The Envoy
ALBEDO: I didn't get enough sleep.
ENVOY: Don't lie to me Albedo, your allowing your hatred against Tennyson get the best of you.
ALBEDO: You said I would get my revenge against Ben, why haven't you given me my chance yet?
ENVOY: It is obvious that you are not ready yet. Considering your recent behavior and your...nightmares.
ALBEDO: How much longer am I supposed to wait?
ENVOY: In time Albedo, in time.
(Galvan Prime)
AZMUTH: He's alive?
BEN: From what we were able to find, Vilgax used the array to attack the planet.
GWEN: But what's so odd, is that Vilgax isn't the hit and run type. He'd usually have an invasion force.
BEN: Are you saying Vilgax wasn't the one that attacked Galvan Prime?
AZMUTH: Even with all of these assumptions, we must be wary.
BEN: We'll be ready!
???: That may not be the case.
(Suddenly, a tall figure wearing a lab coat appears out of thin air.)
BEN: Professor Paradox?
GWEN: What are you doing here?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: I have come to tell you all that there are more pressing matters at hand. The attack on Galvan Prime was nothing more than a diversion, to keep you occupied for a time.
BEN: Was Vilgax the one who attacked the planet?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: No, he had nothing to do any of this.
KEVIN: So, he could still be dead?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: Worrying about Vilgax is the least of your problems right now.
GWEN: If Vilgax had nothing to do with this, then who?
AZMUTH: Impossible!
PROFESSOR PARADOX: Nothing is impossible Azmuth, for someone of your league, you're quite skeptical of many things.
BEN: Why would he want to attack his homeworld, and frame Vilgax?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: Albedo is working with someone. A very dangerous and cunning individual.
KEVIN: Who is it?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: There are things I cannot revel to you, at least, not yet.
GWEN: What do you want us to do?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: Be prepared for the worst. There will come a time this person will revel himself. When that times comes, I have a feeling everything will be vulnerable to chaos. It's something I cannot do alone, doing so would interfere with the timeline.
BEN: Then We'll just go and find Albedo, and make him lead us to whoever he's working for!
PROFESSOR PARADOX: That's exactly what he want's you to do, making you overconfident is just going to make their job easier.
KEVIN: So what, we just stand around while he causes more trouble?
PROFESSOR PARADOX: I want you to return to Earth, when the time comes, I will notify you again. Besides, Earth need's their celebrity.
BEN: I'll take your word for it.
Major Events[]
- Professor Paradox makes his debut.
- Ben Tennyson
- Gwen Tennyson
- Kevin Levin
- Azmuth
- Professor Paradox
- Envoy
- Albedo