Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Boomerights are armored beings that reside on Kiboan.


Boomerights resemble a humanoid knight with a helmet and arms with gloves. Their visors have 4 slits that are their actual eyes. They have 2 stubby metal feet. A sharp boomerang is mounted on their heads. Females have ponytail styled boomerangs instaed of the standard kind and slimmer bodies.


They are extremely chivalrous, and peace loving. The boomerangs they wield are granted when they are mature enough, and they learn to manipulate it a sthe grow. The boomerangs are also used in place of gauntlets for issuing duels. Females are often more capable than males.

Powers and Abilties[]

A Boomeright's primary weapon is the boomerang on their head, which is razor sharp, able to slice through metal and even Petrosapien crystals if thrown at high enough speeds.

Using the boomerang, they are also able to grab faraway objects with it, using the arc to snag them.

They has a degree of enhanced strength, as Cugger was able to lift up a giant metal box and even a Talpaedan.

Due to their armor like body, they are resistant to damage, able to tank a Talpaeden's drill attacks and being thrown by a Tetramand.


Like Chronosapiens and Prypiatosian-Bs, their metallic body makes them rather slow and sluggish, though they are notably faster than both.

Their boomerang is also their primary combat option, making them helpless without it. It can also be used against them by anyone who manages to get ahold of it.

Notable Members[]


Boomeright is derived from boomerang and knight.


  • The species was originally genderless due to Poliwag The Blogger dreading potential inappropriate art of the females.
  • The species name was originally Cugger's name, but changed due to how Ben 23 it sounded.