Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


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General Information
Series Ben 10: Haunted
Season 1
Episode Number 69
Written by Ghost King001
Directed by Ghost King001
Episode Guide
Previous episode Yog, Monster Maker
Next episode Uprising of the Paranormal


October 16th, 2020

A few Plumbers were on patrol, guarding the old abandoned amusement park now that the Boogieman had taken up residence there.

Plumber: Do you really think the Boogieman is in there?

Plumber #2: Oh please, the Boogieman isn`t real.

Suddenly two large vines sprout from under the fence and ensnare both. They then twisted so the Plumbers could see the Boogieman face to face.

Boogieman: So, I`m not real huh? Step into my office. We`ll fix that!

And with that the vines dragged both Plumbers screaming into the Boogieman`s new realm. Boogieman chuckled before using his control over this property to make the fence open. The park then came alive with energy, in hopes to attract people so Boogie can feed on their fears.

Theme song!

October 17th, 2020

People were lured to the park the next day, all seemed normal to the naked eye. Boogieman had shapeshifted to resemble a human so he wouldn`t raise suspicions.

Boogieman: Step right up, step right up! Come to the fabulous haunted house, are you brave enough to enter? Admission is FREE!

Cash: We`re brave! Let`s go J.T.

J.T. nodded and entered alongside Cash. Boogieman smirked a little as he entered after them, leaving some form of being to take over for him.

Cash: This is boring!

J.T.: Where`s the scares?

Boogieman then snuck behind a fake mirror and read Cash`s mind, shapeshifting into a version of him that has merged with Techadon armor. Cash stumbled backward a bit, startled.

J.T.: Whoah! How is it doing that!?

Boogie then morphed into his true form and gave a big, toothy grin at the boys before stepping out.

Boogieman: Boo!

Both bullies screamed before they ran out, Boogieman then absorbed their fear and set up for another group of people. He ran this racket all night long.

Boogieman: Step right up!-

???: I`ll go.

As usual, Boogieman followed shortly after. He read the unknown person`s mind to see what their fear is before he froze. The unknown teen then took off their hoodie to reveal Ben.

Ben: So it`s true, you`re using this amusement park as a cover to give you strength!

Boogieman: So what? I`m not breaking any laws.

Ben stopped, unfortunately Boogieman was right. He WASN`T breaking any laws. Ben then made the "I`m watching you" sign as he left. Boogieman smirked as Ben walked away.

Ben: Oh and Boogieman, you scared those guards we placed outside good. I hope you`re satisfied.

Boogieman: I will be, when I have enough strength to go home no thanks to you.

Ben: Just one more thing...who or what are your employees?

Boogieman: Ghosts, a peace offering from their boss as a sign of no hard feelings for our last encounter. You remember that.

Ben nodded slightly before walking out. He then glared at one employee. He grabbed them by the shirt and took off a mask, revealing Ghost #2.

#2: Uh...hi?

Ben: Get out of my sight.

#2: What`s your problem? We`re not committing any crimes.

Ben: Technically you are since you don`t have a business license. Now GET OUT!

The cowardly spirit flew away, raising an alarm. The park patrons noticed the specter and began to run out of the park. Boogieman rushed outside to see what Ben had done.

Boogieman: You...YOU!

He used his powers to grow larger, glaring at Ben as he grew. Ben then turned into Feedback and began draining Boogieman of his fear power. Boogieman roared in anger as Feedback kept draining him. Boogieman eventually collapsed and fell asleep.

Feedback: (Calling someone) Got him, let`s book him before he wakes up.

Feedback then loomed over the Boogieman, making sure he was unconscious. He then waited for a Plumber transport to arrive.


Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Boogieman opens up his new domain in a scheme to grow stronger.

Minor Events[]

  • Cash and J.T. return.


  • Ben Tennyson
  • Plumbers
  • Park Goers
  • Cash
  • J.T.


  • The Boogieman
  • Ghosts

Aliens Used[]

  • Feedback



  • Boogieman is officially under arrest in solitary confinement in Plumber HQ.