Bloxx is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Segmentasapien from the planet Polyominus.
Being an organosillicon-based life form with segmented hardened quasi-organic polymer skin, Bloxx's body is made up of individual red, blue, and yellow building blocks that he can rearrange at will. Bloxx's default appearance looks similar to that of a gorilla made of mostly red and yellow building blocks with some blue blocks. He has black lines and studs all over his body. His feet are stubs and his hands are extremely large to balance most of his body.
Bloxx wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.
Power and Abilities[]
Bloxx's shapeshifting powers allow him to transform into multiple things, such as a wall, catapult, and dome. If Bloxx's body is damaged or broken, he can easily reform the broken pieces immediately.
Bloxx can generate and form more blocks on his body at will, either to grow in size, create constructs of blocks, or change himself into a larger construct.
Bloxx can willingly detach parts of his body to get out of certain situations.
Bloxx can extend his arms to great lengths on their own without creating more blocks to make them longer. This allows him to easily transfer big gaps and cover more ground when walking on his hands, as shown when he was crossing over several buildings while chasing the Screegit and caught up to it.
Bloxx can turn his hands into guns dubbed Bloxx-Lobbers and fire explosive blocks from them as projectiles. The blocks are also painful to step on, as seen when Humungousaur used them to pain Khyber as Tyrannopede into releasing him from his mouth.
Bloxx has enhanced strength, able to punch into a Dimension 12 robot and shut it down, pull rocks straight out of the ground, generate a shockwave by slamming his fists into the ground, and carry Fistrick.
Bloxx is very dense and durable, being able to survive being shot multiple times, beaten down by Negative Ultimate Humungousaur, and crushed by Ma Vreedle.
Bloxx can jump exceptionally high, as he was able to leap up to a high platform where Ma Vreedle was. He also has good reflexes, as he could swiftly dodge one of her shots and punch the others with precise timing.
Similar to Cannonbolt, Bloxx can encase people or objects inside his body, as shown when he caught the Gracklflint, and protected Rook from dying in the Earth's atmosphere.
Bloxx also gains similar abilities to Cannonbolt when in his sphere form, such as increased speed, and being able to see where he is going when rolling around.
Because he is made of building blocks, Bloxx can survive in the vacuum of space. He is also immune to extremely high amounts of heat and radiation, as seen when falling through Earth's atmosphere.
Despite his shape-changing abilities, Bloxx can be broken when hit with enough force, but can easily rebuild himself right after.
Beings that can become intangible, such as Ectonurites, can easily phase through Bloxx if he traps them in his dome form.
While Bloxx is highly durable to an extent, he still feels pain, as seen when he was acting as a railway bridge to save a train. Similarly, plummeting through Earth's atmosphere caused him great discomfort, enough to make his butt feel like it was "on fire".
Bloxx is vulnerable to acidic substances, whether it be liquid or gaseous.