Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Randall Blacks, referred to as Black Ram by his gang's co-members, is a minor yet recurring character in The Mansion. He is described as a neighbourhood bully and the leader of a local gang.


Black Ram takes many stereotypes of a teenager bully. He has a cigarette, silver rings, a metal necklace and black clothing with "1973" written on it. His head is almost bald, except for some growths. He is as tall as Evfnye, and weights more.


It is unknown when did he organize a gang, but it is implied that he suffered childhood trauma.

In That Cosmic Object, he and his gang stopped Evfnye Misx while he was taking out the trash and teased him about wearing a boring mask for virus. He then got into a fight with Evfnye, which he won after his gang came to his support. They pushed Evfnye inside a trash bin.

In Explosions, Black Ram igonred the police warnings about bombs, believing that they are trying to manipulate the town. He then saw Evfnye, whom he roasted just to get a stronger comeback which led him to enrage and attack. At one point, a bomb started ticking. Evfnye reacted and transformed into Boost Rider to save both. The latter warned Black Ram about the bombs and told him to get out as soon as possible.


Black Ram has a sarcastic and sometimes offensive talk. He is more common to vandalize property or beat up children, but as soon as Evfnye went to temporarily live in his town, he started making fun of him.



Black Ram is a corruption of his real name, Blacks, Randall. Out of universe, the gang name was invented first.


  • According to Evfnye.misx70, there isn't a real-world analogue for this character in Evfnye.misx70's real world.