Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

*loud chewing noises*

Billblegum is a transformation used by Ogrend Trolundi and the Ultimatrix and Flumpyflix's sample of a Megawad from Flavour Town.


Billblegum is a legless, humanoid alien made entirely out of pink gum. It has a floating head resembling a chewed wad of gum and two large, bulbous cheeks on its face. It also wears a mix between triangle shades and 4D glasses over its two rarely visible eyes. It has a mechanized chestplate with a storage unit in the center which holds its bubblegum core and two sleeves, one red and one blue. Its Ultimatrix / Flumpyflix symbol is on its right wrist.



Billblegum is used for the first time when stranded on the desert, promptly eating their gum and showing off their powers to Fly as Flyer. It later uses the enhanced strength gained from eating the gum to throw Fly, now as Finfant, at the Chub-Buzzer before making several energy constructs in an attempt to figure out their powers.

Billblegum is used for the second time in the shopkeeper's store to beat him in a parkour battle.

It is used for the third time to stick onto the side of Fly (as Western Corn Rootworm)'s steed.

It is transformed into for the fourth time for Ogre to switch out of Glorben when up against Jorblenius.

Billblegum is actually used for the fourth time in a fight with Albedo to generate energy constructs to block his laser bullets as well as pin him to the wall.


Billblegum is used for the fifth time to fight King Albumbo and then chew a shit ton of gum to break out of Pavlova World.

It is used a sixth time to survive being flung out of a tornado summoned by Shmumbus by chewing more gum.

It is used a seventh and last time to threaten blowing up a plane with the "bomb on its chest" (which was really just its chestplate), demanding to be given bubblegum which is swiftly accomplished by the plane's staff. It promptly flies away on an energy platform towards Pissciss after enhancing itself to an extreme. It then locates Azmuth's omnitrix cargo ship by sending a ball of energy round Pissciss' orbit before breaking a hole in the wall to get in.

Powers and Abilities[]

Billblegum can use its mechanized chestplate to levitate, allowing it to move around.

Billblegum has naturally sticky skin.

Billblegum is a parkour pro.

When Billblegum chews bubblegum, it releases a large amount of energy which would typically start zapping around and out its body. Thanks to its mechanized chestplate, it can more evenly distribute and control this energy which allows it to:

  • Enhance all of its general attributes by a small amount (stuff like strength and speed, however they don't get ALL of them (the ones they get are in their categories)) (stacks with more gum chewed).
  • Create energy constructs (more gum chewed = larger, better energy constructs).

Billblegum also comes with a six pack of NON-BRANDED GUM to get a head start.


If Billblegum's mechanized chestplate become badly damaged, it will stop functioning making Billblegum unable to distribute its gum-powered energy evenly in its body or levitate, rendering them pretty useless.

Billblegum's sticky skin is quite repulsive to touch or possibly even think about. This could also be a power depending on how you look at it.


Billblegum comes from the word "bubblegum" (obviously) and the word "Bill", a (very generic) name. Billblegum also comes from a misreading of Gobblegun, another transformation in the Trixters.


  • Billblegum is one of Ogre's Four outbreak aliens alongside Green Boy, Jo Trout, and Glorben.
    • Billblegum is also the most serious of the four.
  • Billblegum comes from the same home world as Gobblegun.


Trixters Aliens
Fly Akhuhoth | B.A.N.G. | Bee | Beer Float | Bellend | Ben Santa | Ben Sigma | Ben Woke | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Bleedgore | Boar Galore | Cfoolu | Clam-Cannon | Clippy | Dishcleaner | Drumz | epictuskski | Evil Killy Boy | Finfant | Fly Guy | Flyer | Frederickson | Glorben | Gobblegun | Homunculus | horse walks in | I'm Getting My Piece Of The Pie | I'M GONNA DIE | Longnose | Man | Monkey Rub Together for Static Electricity | Orange | Orangutan | Overround | Plot Armour | Pologre | Porridge | Prism | Pyrogre | Rattical | Retro Bro | Salmonai | Shmumbus | Snailien | Sputter | the brick | The Freakster | The Wurst | True Englutenment | Useless Bug | Vincent | Walkatrout | Western Corn Rootworm | Whatever | X | Zeus | Zimglops
Ogre Abraham Lincoln | All my Buddies | Ben Acquaintance | Ben Santa | Ben Woke | Billblegum | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Camel | Clam-Cannon | Clavi Gnat | cur.sys | DJ P1MPL3 P0PP3R | Dutto | Extension Cord | Fabricator | Fast-Rack | Fishneck | Flying Money | Golden Fretty | Glorben | Green Boy | Gus | Ismail | Jo Trout | Marco | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Parry the Platypus | Porridgemungousaur | PowerCow | Quark Fella | Ragdoll | Rowboat | Ruseter | Scorpion | SlugSlug | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | Turtatoll
Fish 2Daniel | Asterophora | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Jitterbug | Mawlight | Onion | Pompaw | Rook, Line, N' Tinker | Scapegoat | Speedawn | Sputter Annihilator | Starlight Starbright | Zimglops
Roach Carboneetle | Cruttnacker | Jabberwocky | Pinuncian | Snake Oil Snailsman
P03 Clavi Gnat | Flying Meatball | Ismail | Porridge God | The Evil Computer
The Nut Bleebo | cork walks in
Ultimates All my Buddies | Ben Woke | Camel | Flying Money | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Porridge | Porridgemungousaur | Rowboat | Scorpion | Sputter | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | True Englutenment |
Dream Aliens Gus | Heartwarming | M | Spungousaur
Other Burger Boy | Goop | Gorilla | Orangutan