After learning from "himself" that money and fame weren't the secret to life, Ben joined a regular high school, where he instantly became the most popular kid there, but he quickly tried to ignore being famous for once in his life, because he had found a girl who accepted him for being just..plain old Ben, and not a super rich and famous superhero. So, he had a pretty good life. That is, until the Hero Watch started to malfunction a year later, posing as a threat to himself and others. Ben used it one last time in a battle against an Eternity Warrior (Dimension 23 counterpart of Forever Knight) Leader Enoch. Shortly after the battle, it turned off permanently, leaving Ben powerless to stop all the alien threats. Azmuth, realizing that Ben had matured enough to know the risks a hero must take, constructed him a new Omnimatrix, the Hero Watch 2.0. Ben had barely been able to test out his new Omnitrix when Skelefreak attacked a Mr. Gyro. Ben, seeing this as more of a minor threat, went to stop Skelefreak, only to encounter his biggest foe yet, Vilgax.
Glitch (For POTO) - AssassinTen (Image, also for POTO) - Smartoad (For Ben 23) - Sonicsound (Also for Ben 23) - Beetlechomp (Also for Ben 23) - Fairyflight (Also for Ben 23) - Bandage King (Also for Ben 23) - Magnidude (ALSO for Ben 23) - Metalliation (ALSO for Ben 23) - Turtlewind (Image, for Ben 23)