Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Ben Ten + 0 + Infinite is a movie within the Ben Ten + 0 franchise. It is the finale for Ben Ten + 0 season one, and intends to explain how Ben 10: Stupidity Force, canon, the real world, the Multiverse, and the upcoming Ben Ten + 0 + Infinite season 2 and Ben 10 Woke Force are all interconnected. However, keeping with the theme of Ben Ten + 0, it fails to do so, just as it fails to obey the English language.


Five years after the end of Ben Ten + 0, Vilgamax comes to Ben for help. Ben leaves his bride at home to unlock the secret alien BenGoku and save the world from Vilgamax's raging daughter Vilgheena.


Vilgmax is sitting on a cool porch. He looks out over the horizon and sees his daughter Vilgheena going on a rampage.

Vilgamx: Sips

(Cilgmax): Ahh, what a life. To see my daughter enjoy herself

Vilgneeha devours an orphanage full of small children. Actualy, the Kids Next Door and Rugrats.

(Vilgamx): Frowny face

(this goes on for five years)



Vilgma falls to the ground.

(Gwen): Ben husband! It is time for fight Vilgax

(Ben): Ah! Pay no attention to my bride, Vilgax, you are heare for me, do no t kidnap her

(Vilgax): Kidnap? THat was not even on my to do list

(Ben) WEll then do not add it

(Vilgax): I could not if I tried

(Vilgax): Ben I am here to warn you about my sister Vilghena

(Ben): Vilghena? THat sounds vaguely familiar

(Vilgax): Yeah you defeated her like five years ago or something it was two episodes ago

(Gwen): Yeah it was the third episode chronatially

(Ben): Gwen please stop breaking the third wall

(Gwen): Ok sorry

(Ben): Anyways yeah I think I remember her what's wrong? PMS?

(Vilgax): I would assume so but she had her overies forcibly removed after that dog attack.

Ben fondly remembers using iwildmutt.

(BEn): Yeah sorry

(Vilgax0: no its fine but yeah she's going on a rampage and killing your favorite fictional franchises

(Ben): Well then why should i get involved

(Vilgax): Well she's powerful enough to kill Doctr Manhattan from Watchmen

(Ben): THere's no way that's possibel Doctor Manhattan is really strong

(Vilgax): Actually he's dead now because Vilghena just killed her

(Gwen: Yeah Doctor Manhattan is dead I felt it with my anodyte powers

(Ben) Whoa :( well what are we gonna do now

(Vilgax): I thnk it's finally time we need to go to planet Azmuth and see Namek so he will unlocked your goku transformation

(Ben): Is that possible? Is goku really in the omnitrix?

(Vilgax): I don't know that's whyw e're going to see Azmuth

then vilgamar grows wings and ben flies to earth but gwen can't because ehs's on the no fly list

On the other edge of space....

Azmar is sitting in Namek with the rest of the frog people

(Socrates): and thats why you're dumbn azmuth lol no one can really know anything i guess

(Azmuth): Yeah but have you considered no u

the crowd boos scorates off of the stage and he dissolves into sand or something

Azmuth walks over with a bunch of duck tape ad a cardboar crate

(Azmuth): finally, SANDBOX.

however before azmuth can finally add sandbox into the omnitrix ben and vilgax land on planet namek

(Azmuth): who the hell is ruining karaoke hour - holy shit is that ilax

(Vilgax); holy shit is that azmuth

(Ben): yaeh

(Vilgax): damn bro im such a big fan

(Azmuth): That's cool i guess anyways why are you guys here

(Vilgax): Vilgeene ais destroying shit ba ck on Earth or somethwhere and we need your help to activate ben's super saiyan trassnformation so he can blow her up

(Azmuth): well normally i dont condone violence against ppl of the female variety but since youa ked nicely no

(Ben): :(

(Azmuth): Ben i really hate to say it bu you realy need to go through some character development arc

(Ben): no u

(Azmuth): god damn ben you really used my own tricks against me well i guess u r right and have learned or something and u win ok here u go

ben suddenly turns into bengoku

(Bengoku): ok vilgamxmxm lets go kill ilganenen and save cartoon network

ben suddely flies away beause he an do that now



Bengoku goes flying forward with a punch

But suddenly Eon grabs his fist and stop it. Bengoku falls to the ground.

(Azmuth): What? EOn caught the punch? THt's impossible

Vilgax nods. Yeah, like that scene from Watchmen.

Ben sit on the floor of space. Eon begins to monologue.

(Eon): Ahh, Ben, you've finally arrived.

(Ben): Yeah to stop you VIlghena

Eon merely sighs.

(Eon): I really miss the days when irony wasn't so forced, Benjamin.


(Eon): I mean, at this point, can you even call this irony? Shitposting? Or is it really incomprehensible garbage?

((ben): no

(Eon): This isn't even funny.

(Ben): Okay you're right lmao

Eon turns away from Ben. He looks behind him and stares at a giant lime brick wall. It pulses with an emerald light in a constant rhythm, just like a heartbeat.

(Eon): Do you know where we are, Ben?

(Ben): god i wish

(Eon): This is the Source Wall. Behind it lies the last remaining shreds of the dignity of Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki. Destroy it, and you'll finally reveal how shit everything really was underneath.

(Eon): Please, Ben, we're all tired of this tortured existence.

Eon takes off his helmet. It reveals the face of Sol.

(Sol): I'm tired of being beholden to this shitty fandom. I don't even know if I want to write any more Ben 10 fan fictions, but like a hopeless addict grasping hopelessly for the needle, I keep coming back. I hate the fandom, I hate the medium, I hate the stories I produce, but I love the write them. That is my true folly, preventing me from maturing into a reasonable adult.

(Sol): End. It.

(Ben): laughs



Ben slamps down on his OMnitrix, activating Way Bigger mecha edition.

Sol just kinda sits there

ben tries to punch the source wall and it still doesnt work because the source wasll isnt just able to be punched DUH that would make it kinda weak and we'd all be dead by now

so obviously the only solution is u have to put a hole in it some tother way (sorry if u have that fear of holes in things lol)


Vilgmax curls up his tentacles and turns his body into a drill.

(Vilgmax): Take this Ben!

Ben nods.








Ben's vilgaxadrill five billion (wait no ten billion because it's ben 10) begins spinning faster, faster and faster, until it's not longer a drill, ut instead....





then crabe obliterates the source wall or something idk

then we go somewhere else bc everyone dies or something its rly unclear

(God): holy shit

(God): i mean jesus christ

(God): you guys really fucked up huh


(God): oh sorry dad that was you? lol


(God): yeah sorry i wont touch the thermostat again

(Crabe): Life is not as it seems, and yet, everything it is rumored to be. Existence on its own is paradoxical innature.

(God): i disagree

Crabe smashes god in the skull. blood gushes from the wound and the universe is reborn or something i dont know man i wasnt there ok im just a fan fiction writer yall are expecting to be jesus or muhammad and i cant be bro im just a horny teenage kid

anyways then millions of the worlds are reborn because of crabes holy actions

this is supposed to explain how ben 10 stupidity force and ben 10 woke force and ben ten plus zerooooo can all exist or something and still be canon i dont know man i had plans ok i just dont know



(Ben): Oh hi clancy did u hear crabe killed god

(Clancey): Ben remember how last episode you saw me and my girlfriend on date

(BEn): No it was your boyfriend do not be homophobic we are confirmng you are gay canonically here

(Clancy): Ok yeah well whatever i was on ate with my boyfriend and yuou fought me

(Ben): Yep sounds about rght sips smoothie

(Clancy): WEll if that's the case

(Clancy): THen, Ben, I am afraid for what I am about to have to do.

Clancy pulls out a swarm of insects.

(Clancy): I need to eat your brains.

(Ben): ?

Clancy sticks his tongue in Ben's ear. He slurps out his brains and runs away into the night.

Ben gets up and walks away. Cue laugh track

(Ben): Gee dude what happened?

Elsehwere Ben is being watched.

(Robin): Gee willickers Batman, this was Ben 10 stupidity force all along?

(Batman): NO silly watch further you dumbass

Joker cals out from his sell


Batman shoots Joker.

Anyways bac k to street.

Due to blood loss Ben blacks out on the city street. His vision turns to black and he slowly hears smething. Hot scandinavian voice

(Uthgerd): You're finally awake


(Todd Howard): does it again

In the end it was all a metaphor for depression. Just like Evangelion, and Gurren Lagann, and probably Kill la Kill, and maybe Watchmen I guess, what about Adventure Time? Hell, throw Pokemon in there too. Homestuck? Hell yeah. I don't know, man. Go pick up a football.


  • Vilgax
  • Vilgaheena
  • Ben Tennyson
  • Gwen Tennyson
  • Doctor Manhattan (debut, death)
  • Azmuth
  • Socrates (debut, death)
  • Clancy
  • Batman (debut)
  • Robin (debut)
    • i dont know which robin it is guys stop pestering me
  • Joker (debut)
    • real name: john gangweed
  • Uthgerd (debut)
  • Todd Howard (debut)

Aliens Used[]

  • Wildmutt (flashback)
  • Sandbox (debut)
  • BenGoku (debut)
  • Way Bigger mech edition
  • Crabe - is he an alien? is he a sentient creature? I don't freaking know


  • Yeah, this only took me a day to write.
  • References to other media (this should be obvious):
    • The opening scene (Vilgax on porch) is intended to draw a parallel to Thanos from Marvel Comics/Marvel Cinematic Universe. His raging granddaughter is inspired by Nebula's use of the Infinity Gauntlet in the second half of Infinity Gauntlet.
    • "BenGoku" and Azmuth on planet Namek are both blatant references to the Dragon Ball franchise.
    • Socrates is there because of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
    • Sol capturing BenGoku's punch is a reference to Ozymandias capturing a bullet within Watchmen.
    • The premise of the Source Wall is directly lifted from DC Comics. I don't know what else you want me to say here.
    • The fight between Ben and the Source Wall is a blatant rip-off of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's finale.
    • "Plus Ultra" is very obviously a nod to My Hero Academia.
    • Crabe resetting the universe is kind of a reference to Homestuck, I guess, but so is literally everything else.
    • Crabe killing God is a reference to my biggest erotic fantasy
    • God's line (dear lord what have I written) "i disagree" is a reference to Poppy's pop-metal fusion album I Disagree.
    • Batman, Robin, and Joker. Guess where the hell they came from, wise guy.
    • Batman shooting Joker is a reference to Batman vs Superman and how it's a shitty Batman adaptation i guess
    • the ending is skyrim
    • Uthgerd's inclusion is a nod to YouTuber Sips. (As is the opening line, Vilgax: Sips).
    • If you haven't noticed this section has become a joke
  • I guess this is a parody. I guess it's also satire. I don't know. I just wanted to write something because I could. Do you need any other explanations in life?
  • stop analyzing me i have a girlfriend gosh