Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
User Ben Tennyson (Dimension 23)
Creator Azmuth (Dimension 23)
Type Genetic alteration device
Similar Technology Omnitrix
First Appearance Store 23

The Omnitrix is the Omnimatrix that is used by Ben Tennyson, and is also the Dimension 23 counterpart of the Omnitrix.


In its debut episode, Store 23, it looks like the Prototype Omnitrix in the Original Series and the Omniverse flashbacks, only with the green, grey, and white on it being changed to blue, gold, and a light aqua.

In Ben 23: Ultimate Heroverse, it looks like the Omnitrix, but with the grey and white being replaced with blue and gold, respectively.

In Ben 10: The Omniwars, it looks like the recalibrated Omnitrix in Alien Force, with blue replacing the green, and gold replacing the black.

In Ben 10: Unbound, it looks like the recreated Ultimatrix but blue instead of green and gold instead of sliver.

Powers and Abilities

It basically has the same functions and capabilities as Ben's other Omnimatrix models: Scanning and transforming the user/wearer into different alien forms. However, unlike the Ultimatrix, obviously, it does not possess the ability to evolve certain aliens. It is also unknown if the Omnitrix has the ability to recalibrate, like the Prototype Omnitrix did.

Known Aliens


Name Species Mainstream Counterpart
Alien 23 Celestialsapien Alien X
Build-A-Guy Segmentasapien Bloxx
Charcoal Man Pyronite Heatblast
Copy Copy Sonorosian Echo Echo
Dog-Nabbit Vulpimancer Wildmutt
Electricyeti Gimlinopithecus Shocksquatch
Eye Guy Opticoid Eye Guy
Fastcat Citrakayah Fasttrack
Feedback Conductoid Feedback
Freezelizard Polar Manzardill Articguana
Giant-Manster To'kustar Way Big
Mr. Monkey Arachnichimp Spidermonkey
Mr. Mucky Methanosian Swampfire
Rollaway Arburian Pelarota Cannonbolt
Speedyquick Kineceleran XLR8
Vomit Man Gourmand Upchuck

Ben 23

For a list of the known aliens that Ben can transform in Ben 23, please see the series page.

In Ben 23: Heroverse

Main article: Ben 23: Heroverse/Aliens

Ben 23: Ultimate Alien

The Prototype was only shown in the first two episodes, until Ben received the Ultimatrix.

Aliens Shown


