Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Lucy Mann
[[File:Lucy Mann Humanoid Sludgepuppy|{{{width}}}px]]
General Information
Species Lenopan
Age 10 (Ben 10)
11 (Omniverse flashbacks)
16 (Omniverse)
Affiliations Tennyson Family
Ben's Team
Occupation(s) Plumber
Powers and abilities
Abilities Shapeshifting
Size Alteration
Sludge Projection
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Dexterity
Voice Changing
Relatives Camille Mann-Tennyson (cousin)
Mr. Mann (uncle)
Mrs. Mann (aunt)
Joel Tennyson(cousin-in-law)
Ben Tennyson (cousin-in-law)
Gwen Tennyson](cousin-in-law)
Alias Cousin Lucy
Voice Actor Tara Strong
First Appearance Big Fat Alien Wedding

Lucy Mann first appeared during the episode Big Fat Alien Wedding. She is Camille's cousin, and comes to her wedding to perform as the flower girl.

Like Camille and Camille's parents, Lucy is a Lenopan. She is at this moment, Joel Tennyson's cousin-in-law, and was one of the few Lenopans not to be involved in the sabotage of the marriage. In Omniverse, Lucy is now a Plumber.


Human form

In the original series, Lucy has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She is shown wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a star on it, along with a red skirt. She also has two distinct whisker marks on her face.

In Omniverse, 11 year old Lucy's skin is more pink, the whisker like marks on her face are gone, with freckles taking their place. Her eyes have changed color, becoming pinkish purple.

16 year old Lucy wears a black sleeved dress with a red collar, a star on the chest area, white socks that go over her knees, red shoes and red lipstick. She wears her hair in a ponytail.

Lenopan form

Lucy has two different Lenopan forms: her more natural one, lacking legs, with larger head tendrils, and less human facial features, and her humanoid form, which is smaller, has legs, and a more human like face with mud flowing around her head, resembling hair.


Lucy is a very upbeat and mischievous girl, who loves playing pranks on people, as she especially enjoys teasing her cousin Gwen, much to her other cousin Ben's amusement.

Lucy is apparently quite competent, seeing as how she managed to get through Plumbers' Training Academy in a relatively short amount of time.

Lucy likes pottery, and anything having to do with mud or clay.
