Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Page under construction. If any of you mark this as a stub and put this on my message wall, I will rotate my fidget spinner so hard it breaks your skull.

It just came to me, you know. I was just sitting there, chilling, a glass of lemonade in my hand, reading E-10, when I just stopped thinking. And then it just came to me. Fidget spinners. Just put the Omnitrix on there and that' all the effort I have to do to make a successful show anymore. They'll all say "Wow, Sol's so smart. He's making fun of the capitalist and toy market." But I'm just in it to make low quality content.

–Sol, on the conception of this groundbreaking series

Spin revolution spinner

Ben 10: Spin Revolution is a series created by a shitposter who wants to beat the fidget spinner meme to death. Taking place in an alternate rebooted future (the year 2048 in Earth-2048), the series revolves (haha that's a pun) around Benjamin "Spin" Tennyson who obtains the Omni Spinner, a powerful fidget-spinner that spins so fast it changes the bases found in the user's DNA sequence to become alien superheroes. Together with his cousin Gwen Levin, they stop crime and spread equality across the galaxy.


  1. Torus Academy! Where All Spinners Start
  2. other episodes no one cares about
  3. Unleash Your Full Spintential! Revolutionary Forms: Part 1
  4. Unleash Your Full Spintential! Revolutionary Forms: Part 2



  • Benjamin "Spin" Tennyson


To be revealed...

Fan List

If you're a fan of fidget spinning, or think this series just looks promising, put your username here so I that I can eventually submit the list to the autocratic regime of your choice!


  • Ben 10: Spin Revolution is based off of the ingenius toy for autistic children, fidget spinners!
  • You can't tell me this isn't sci-fi because I backed up how the transformations work, dammit, and that's more realistic than the canon one's.
  • Submit fanart pls