Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Ben 10: Oreo is a series by Omi that follows Ben as he becomes a huge Oreo. It is supposed to have 34 seasons. Sadly, it was canceled because season two just showed a cow for four episodes.


Ben becomes a huge oreo.


  1. The Transformation 
  2. I'm an Oreo?
  3. Cool!
  4. This is pretty cool.
  5. Seriously, I'm a freaking Oreo.
  6. Is that?
  7. MILK?
  8. OH GAWD
  9. Is that a giant hand too?
  10. No Kevin, don't eat me!
  11. NO KEVIN!
  12. DON'T!

Season 2[]

  1. Ben is now dead because Kevin wanted an Oreo.
  2. Kevin is a horrible person.
  3. You suck, Kevin.
  4. Because the series is over since Ben is dead, we will now show you a picture of cheese.
  5. Cheese Part 1
  6. Cheese Part 2
  7. Cheese Part 3
  8. Cheese is getting boring, let's stare at a cow.
  9. Cow Part 1
  10. Cow Part 2
  11. Cow Part 3
  12. Cow Part 4
  13. Cows are boring me.

Season 3[]

  1. Let's watch a huge turtle.
  2. Turtle Part 1
  3. Turtle Part 2
  4. Okay, this show is boring.
  5. I think it's going to get canceled.
  6. It probably is.
  7. Until then, watch TV static.
  8. TV Static, Part 1
  9. TV Static, Part 2
  10. TV Static, Part 3
  12. OH NO
  13. The show is now canceled.


Add your signature (~~~~) on a new bullet here.

  • Ermac270



  • Ben (who is now an Oreo)
  • Other Oreos
  • Turtle
  • Cheese
  • Cow


  • Vilgax
  • Kevin


Original 10[]

  1. REO
  2. REO
  3. REO
  4. REO
  5. REO
  6. REO
  7. REO
  8. REO
  9. REO
  10. REO


  1. REO
  2. REO
  3. REO
  4. REO
  5. REO
  6. REO
  7. REO
  8. REO
  9. REO
  10. REO
  11. REO


  1. REO
  2. REO
  3. REO
  4. REO
  5. REO
  6. REO


  1. REO
  2. REO

Hat Forms[]

  1. REO
  2. REO
  3. REO
  4. REO
  5. REO