Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

After the long hard battle Ult. Vilgax is finally dead. This takes place 4–5 weeks after the series finale of Ben 100 Fusetrix Reboot. Ben and Gwen are 25 with Kevin being 26. Max has accepted that he will be a Anodite forever. This is preceeded by Ben 100 Fusetrix Reboot and Ben 10 Ultimate Fusetrix. Ben must have between 100-999 aliens. A new thing thing are Ben forms for example Benbolt would be Cannonbolt or Benchip for Nanochip. Benarms Benheat. Though there will only be a few but in the next sequel series (SPOILERS) Ben can only use Ben forms. It is called Ben 100: Rise of the Ben Forms. This is precedded with Ben 100 Fusetrix Reboot



  • Magister Ben 100
  • Magister Gwen Levin
  • Magister Kevin Levin
  • Max Tenyson
  • Verdona (Flashbacks)
  • Xylene
  • Azmuth
  • Rickon (Flashbacks)
  • Paradox (Flashbacks)
  • Tack
  • Tack Jr
  • Magister Korwak
  • Magister Runoff
  • Hulka
  • Dog
  • Dan
  • Ken 10
  • Jenny Tenyson
  • Kai Green (Flashbacks)
  • Ultimate Ultimos
  • Ult. Synapatak
  • Eunice
  • Ult Tini
  • Ult. Alan
  • Ult. Manny
  • Ult Helen
  • Ult Cooper
  • Julie Tennyson


  • Ult. Enoch
  • Ult. Albedo
  • Ult. Animo
  • Ghost Discroll
  • Ghost George
  • Ghost Tick
  • Vilgax (Lost his ultimate form when "died")
  • Dire
  • Eon
  • Sumblimo
  • Hex
  • Ult Aggregor
  • Ult Zs'Skayr
  • Dint
  • Ssserpent
  • Ma Vreedle
  • Pa Vreedle
  • Pretty-Boy Vreddle
  • Sunder
  • Darkstar
  • Clancy


  1. Heatblast
  2. The Percolating Coffee Guy
  3. Wildmutt
  4. Four Arms
  5. Darkflame
  6. Diamondhead
  7. Stinkfly
  8. Chomper
  9. Ek
  10. Grey Matter
  11. Upgrade
  12. Ghostfreak
  13. XLR8
  14. Ripjaws
  15. Cannonbolt
  16. Wildvine
  17. Blitzwolfer
  18. Benmummy
  19. Benvicktor
  20. Benkrabb
  21. Bendragon
  22. Benvreedle
  23. Benanimo
  24. Bengax
  25. Bendactyl
  26. Manaflow
  27. Benlevin
  28. Bengluto
  29. Benblaster
  30. BenKrakken
  31. Benbreed
  32. Upchuck
  33. Inferno
  34. Ditto
  35. Eye Guy
  36. Waybig
  37. Spykback
  38. Articguana
  39. Spitter
  40. Buzzshock
  41. Eon
  42. Swampfire
  43. Chromastone
  44. Brainstorm
  45. Spidermonkey
  46. Humungousaur
  47. Jetray
  48. Big Chill
  49. Echo Echo
  50. Goop
  51. Alien X
  52. Rath
  53. Lodestar
  54. Badaboom
  55. Teleportal
  56. Swirls
  57. Overflow
  58. Musclemass
  59. Megashark
  60. FuzzBall
  61. Nanomech
  62. Waterhazard
  63. Terraspin
  64. NRG
  65. Armodrillo
  66. AmpFibian
  67. Fasttrack
  68. Clockwork
  69. Jury Rigg
  70. Eatle
  71. Shocksquatch
  72. ChamAlien
  73. Rook
  74. Blox
  75. Feedback
  76. Graviton
  77. Bendox
  78. Toepick
  79. Shellhead
  80. Icepick
  81. Mindmesser
  82. Snakepit
  83. Rocks
  84. Squidstrictor
  85. Atomix
  86. Earthshaker
  87. Sandbox
  88. Sticher
  89. Flipso
  90. Airtimer
  91. Boozo
  92. Fireflight
  93. Aquatic
  94. Sweller
  95. Bloatbomb
  96. Hotshot (Alien)
  97. Longstar
  98. Osmon
  99. Xrayer
  100. Red-dust
  101. Blueglider
  102. Zoomer
  103. Chatter
  104. Agefier
  105. ElementMaster
  106. Jewels
  107. Bullets
  108. Nightmare
  109. Angelhands
  110. Putty
  111. Creeper
  112. Razrhead
  113. Bonehead
  114. Overeater
  115. Joker
  116. Snotshot
  117. Seasonal
  118. Crackalacka
  119. Exhaler
  120. Inker
  121. Blackmagic
  122. Cleafear
  123. The Ultimate Percolating Coffee Guy
  124. Wiseguy
  125. Bombers
  126. Driller
  127. Nightlight
  128. No-Go
  129. Hacker (BTUF)
  130. Waxer
  131. Skyhop
  132. Xtreme
  133. Windtwo
  134. Pause
  135. Leapfrog
  136. Darkdrit
  137. Hanger
  138. Slamdah
  139. More-Shore
  140. Quadsquad
  141. Flap-It
  142. Polamole
  143. Locks
  144. Blankfaint
  145. White-might
  146. Wildsurfer
  147. Flamicle
  148. Spotifly
  149. Apering
  150. Radio-Active
  151. Bencubra
  152. Ultimate Bencubra
  153. Benlimax
  154. Blocker
  155. Rubix
  156. Draco
  157. Smallarge
  158. Ultimate Smallarge
  159. Ultimate Draco
  160. Ultimate Rubix
  161. Ultimate Blocker
  162. Ultimate Benlimax
  163. Ultimate Heatblast
  164. Ultimate Wildmutt
  165. Ultimate Four Arms
  166. Ultimate Stinkfly
  167. Ultimate Diamondhead 
  168. Ultimate Ripjaws
  169. Ultimate Ghostfreak
  170. Ult XLR8
  171. Ultimate Gray Matter
  172. Ultimate Upgrade
  173. Ultimate Cannonbolt
  174. Ult Upchuck
  175. Ultimate Wildvine
  176. Ult Benblaster
  177. Ult Benwolf
  178. Ultimate Benmummy
  179. Ult Benvicktor
  180. Ultimate Chomper
  181. Ult Benkrabb
  182. Ult Benanimo
  183. Ultmate Manaflow
  184. Ultimate Bendactyl
  185. Ultimate Benlevin
  186. Ult Bengluto
  187. Ultimate Ek
  188. Ult Benkrakken
  189. Ultimate Ditto (BTMO)
  190. Ult Eye-Guy
  191. Ulti Way Big
  192. Ult Spykback
  193. Ult Buzzshock
  194. Ult Spitter
  195. Ult Eon
  196. Ultimate Swampfire
  197. Ult Brainstorm
  198. Ultimate Humungousaur
  199. Ult Chromastone
  200. Ultimate Jetray
  201. Ultimate Echo Echo
  202. Ult Goop
  203. Ultimate Spidermonkey
  204. Ult Alien X
  205. Ultimate Big Chill
  206. Ultimate Rath
  207. Ultimate Lodestar
  208. Ult Badaboom
  209. Ult. Teleportal
  210. Ult Swirls
  211. Ult Overflow
  212. Ult Megashark
  213. Ult Musclemass
  214. Ultimate Fuzzball
  215. Ultimate Nanomech
  216. Ultimate Water Hazard
  217. Ultimate Terraspin
  218. Ultimate AmpFibian
  219. Ult NRG
  220. Ult Armodrillo
  221. Ult Fasttrack
  222. Ult Clockwork
  223. Ult Jury Rigg
  224. Ult Eatle
  225. Ult Shocksquatch
  226. Ult ChamAlien
  227. Ult Toepick
  228. Ult Sandbox
  229. Ult Mindmesser
  230. Ult Earthshaker
  231. Ult Snakepit
  232. Ult Squidstrictor
  233. Ult Rocks
  234. Ult Atomix
  235. Ult Shellhead
  236. Ult Icepick
  237. Ult Flipso
  238. Ult Sticher
  239. Ult Boozo
  240. Ult Fireflight
  241. Ult Aquatic
  242. Ult Sweller
  243. Ult Bloatbomb
  244. Ult Osmon
  245. Ult Longstar
  246. Ult Hotshot
  247. Ult X-Rayer
  248. Ult Red-Dust
  249. Ult Blueglider
  250. Ult Zoomer
  251. Ult Agefier
  252. Ult Elementmaster
  253. Ult Jewels
  254. Ult Bullets
  255. Ult Darkflame
  256. Ult Bendactyl
  257. Ult Putty
  258. Ult Nightmare
  259. Ult Angelhands
  260. Ult Bonehead
  261. Ult Creeper
  262. Ult Razredge
  263. Ult Joker
  264. Ult Overeater
  265. Ult Snotshot
  266. Ult Exhaler
  267. Ult Inker
  268. Ult Seasonal
  269. Ult Crackalacka
  270. Ult Blackmagic
  271. Ult Clearfear
  272. Ult Bombers
  273. Ult Wiseguy
  274. Ult Driller
  275. Ult No-Go
  276. Ult Nightlight
  277. Ult Waxer
  278. Ult Hacker
  279. Ult Skyhop
  280. Ult Xtreme
  281. Ult Darkdirt
  282. Ult Windtwo
  283. Ult Pause
  284. Ult Leapfrog
  285. Ult Hanger
  286. Ult Slamdah
  287. Ult More-Shore
  288. Ult Quad-Squad
  289. Ult Flap-It
  290. Ult Polarmole
  291. Ult Locks
  292. Ult Blankfaint
  293. Ult Whitemight
  294. Ult Wildsurfer
  295. Ult Flamicle
  296. Ult Spotifly
  297. Ult Apering
  298. Ult Radio-Active

Ben Forms[]

  1. Benheat
  2. Benarms
  3. Benchip
  4. Benbolt
  5. Benswamp
  6. Benjaws


Main Villians[]

Season 1[]

  • Enoch
  • Forever Knights
  • Winston
  • Ghost George
  • Ghost Discroll
  • King Urian
  • King Patrick
  • Frightwig
  • Thumbskull
  • Acid Breath
  • Zombozo

Season 2[]

  • Condiwit Edwards
  • Flame Keepers Circle
  • Dimensional Members of the FKC
  • Vulkanus
  • Argit
  • Simian
  • Julie (Under Influence of FKC)
  • Ship (Merged with Julie)
  • Forever Knights
  • Enoch
  • King Urian
  • King Patrick

Season 3[]

  • Eunice
  • Eon
  • Sublimo
  • Hex
  • Addwaita
  • Yelandooshi
  • King Viktor
  • Mummy
  • Zs'Skayr
  • Aggregor
  • Vilgax
  • Psyphon
  • Ragnarok

Season 4[]

  • Ben
  • Enoch
  • King Patrick
  • King Urian
  • Forever Knights
  • Dint
  • Albedo

Season 5[]

  • Albedo
  • Dint
  • Ben
  • Sunder
  • Sentient Mixture of all species named Alien

Season 6[]

  • Darkstar
  • Eon
  • Rojo
  • Animo
  • Hex
  • Prisoner 775
  • Argit
  • Simian
  • Addwaita
  • Zs'Skayr
  • Aggregor
  • Alien
  • Albedo

Season 7[]

  • Elena
  • Nanochips
  • Trumbicular
  • Ssserpent
  • Simian
  • Argit
  • Alien
  • Clancy
  • Techadon Weapons Master
  • Psyphon

Season 8[]

  • Ben
  • Prisoner 775
  • Technorg
  • Argit
  • Ma Vreedle
  • Alien
  • Enoch
  • Vilgax
  • Will Harauge
  • Clancy
  • Sumblimo
  • Ssserpent
  • Trumbicular
  • Aggregor
  • Zs'Skayr

Season 9[]

  • Eon
  • Alien
  • Technorg
  • Alpha Nanite
  • Van Kless
  • Biowulf


Season1 Ben and his army go out on a manhunt for Enoch who is with the forever knights with their leader and ghost George and Ghost Discroll

Season 2 Ben and his team plus his army are forced to beg to the Flame Keepers Circle to win the battle

Season3 are Ben and the team hiding in the base and retelling stories and flashbacks and mostly self centered stories, Paradox reappears, Ben was angry at Eunice and killed her but not on purpose

Season 4 Ben destoryed Enoch and erased his memory so he wouldn't remember accidentily killing Eunice but loses his memory completly

Season 5 The team tries to save Ben but Ben is under the Influence of Albedo

Season 6 Albedo teams up with Darkstar, Eon, Rojo , Animo, Hex, Prisoner 775, Argit, Simian, Addwaita, Zs'Skayr, Aggregor, Sunder to defeat Ben and his team, This is Ben's team, Ben, Gwen, Kevin, Julie (With Ship) Max, Helen, Manny, Cooper, Azmuth, Xylene, Eunice (Until season 4) Dan, Alan Albright, Charmcaster, and Tetrax Shard

Season 7 After the mini war is over Elena recruits some suprisingly minor villians such as Trumbicular, Ssserpent, Techadon Master, Argit, Simian and Pysphon.

Season 8 Ben lost his complete ability to go on so he turns himself in to Incarecon for an suprising crime he has commited (Not killing Eunice or a villian)


  • Lots of characters die in this series
  • Many minor villians become major villians
  • Ben has become a intergalatic criminal for an suprising crime
  • Every alien has an ultimate
  • Eunice did something so bad that Ben had to kill her because of it