Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Playlist 1=

Number Image Name
1 No Image Available Heatblast
A Pyronite from the star Pyros. Heatblast can shoot fire out of his hands.
2 No Image Available Inferno
A Calomog from the planet Monegius in the Fireworks Galaxy. Infern is made out of magma and can explode at will which allows him to go supernova.
3 No Image Available Wildmutt
A Vulpimancer from the planet Vulpin. Wildmutt is a dog-like alien with enhanced senses.
4 No Image Available Digger
A Heterocephalian from the planet Glabor in the Sombrero Galaxy. Digger is a naked mole rat-like alien with robotic limbs which he can turn into a various tools like shovels.
5 No Image Available Diamondhead
A Petrosapien from the planet Petropia. He is made out of crystal which he can manipulate.
6 No Image Available XLR8
A Kineceleran from the planet Kinet. XLR8 is Ben's fastest land alien being faster than the speed of sound.
7 No Image Available Runner
A Usian Boltus from the planet Olympia in the Pinwheel Galaxy. He is a speedster alien that can reach speed up to 50 mph per hour.
8 No Image Available Grey Matter
A Galvan from the planet Galvan Prime in the Galvan Star System. Galvan is Ben's smartest alien transformation. He is able to recognize technology he has never seen.
9 No Image Available Alien 51
A Sterelan from the planet Planet X. Alien X has psychic powers which allows him to read minds and fly.
10 No Image Available Four Arms
A Tetramand from the planet Khoros. Four Arms has four arms and enhanced strength.
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11 No Image Available Strong Guy
A Hexagoid from the planet Krega in the Cigar Galaxy. Strong Guy has six arms that are made out of concrete.
12 No Image Available Stinkfly
A Lepidopterran from the planet Lepidopterra. Stinkfly can generate slime by secreting oils to keep his exoskeleton joints moving.
13 No Image Available Dragonfly
A Anisopterran from the planet Lepidopterran. Dragonfly has a hard exoskeleton and wings that can flap fast enough in order to generate whirlwinds.
14 No Image Available Ripjaws
A Piscciss Volann from the planet Piscciss. Ripjaws is an aquatic alien with teeth sharp enough to tear through steel with little effort.
15 No Image Available Razorjaws
A Gillius from the planet Anur Millgan in the Anur System. This teeth generate a slime-like substance that can melt through steel.
16 No Image Available Upgrade
A Galvanic Mechamorph from the moon Galvan B in the Galvan Star System. Upgrade can control technology which also increases technological capabilities of the device he's controlling.
17 No Image Available Technoforce
A Technius Simulian from the planet Arisor in the Andromeda Galaxy. Technoforce has a mechanical that combine with technology in order to gain new abilities.
18 No Image Available Ghostfreak
An Ectonurite from the planet Anur Phaetos in the Anur Systme. Ghostfreak is a ghost-like that can possess people and turn intangible.
19 No Image Available Phantomb
A Torikkusutan from the planet Anur Genso in the Anur System. Phantomb can create illusion in order to trick people.
20 No Image Available Cannonbolt
An Arburian Palerota from the planet Arburia. Cannonbolt can turn himself into a ball strong enough to destroy concrete with no effort.
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21 No Image Available Wildvine
A Florauna from the planets Flors Verdance and Xenon. Wildvine is a vicious plant can use his vines as whips.
22 No Image Available Plant Guy
A Quercis from the planet Amazus in the Needle Galaxy. Plant Guy is a tree-like alien that can absorb solar energy that he can blast out by turning his hands into cannons.
23 No Image Available Spitter
A Sphoeroid from the planet Scalpasc in the Sculptor Galaxy. Spitter can shoot slime out of his mouth strong enough to destroy a building.
24 No Image Available Buzzshock
A Nosedeenian from the Nosedeen Quasar in the Cigar Galaxy. Buzzshock is a small alien that control electricity and duplicate if he is split.
25 No Image Available Arctiguana
A Polar Manzardill from the planet X'Nelli in the Sculptor Galaxy. Arctiguana has breath cold enough to freeze magma.
26 No Image Available\ Blitzwolfer
A Loboan from the moon Luna Lobo in the Anur System. Blitzwolfer can split up his mouth in order to blast out a sonic howl.
27 No Image Available Snare-oh
A Thep Khufan from the planet Anur Khufos in the Anur System. Snare-oh is made out of bandages that can use wrap his enemies.
28 No Image Available Frankenstrike
A Transylian from the planet Anur Transyl in the Anur System. Frankenstrike can manipulate electricity by using the bio-mechanical growths on his back.
29 No Image Available Upchuck
A Gourmand from the planet Peptos XII in the Peptos System. Upchuck can eat anything and split it up as explosive spit.
30 No Image Available Acid Bomb
A Exopoid from the planet Ponderor in the Cigar Galaxy. Acid Bomb is made out of highly corrosive slime. He wears armor that creates bombs that contain the same material as Acid Bomb. Upon contact the bomb will explode and the acid will be released.
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31 No Image Available Catastrophe
A Navatoid from various planets in the Black Eye Galaxy. Catastrophe can absorb energy in his helmet. When he absorbs enough energy the helmet will crack and the energy will be released and will create an explosion strong enough to destroy an entire planet.
32 No Image Available Gullet
A Facientun from the planet Deforus in the Tadpole Galaxy. Gullet can grow bigger by absorbing energy-based attacks.
33 No Image Available Jello
A Gelatus from the planet Lapus Limosa in the Lapus System in the Sombrero Galaxy. Jello is made out of a jelly-like substance. Inside the jelly there are rock which Jello can throw in order to defeat his opponents.
34 No Image Available Breath Weapon
An Alliom from the planet Mutatus in the Black Eye Galaxy. Breath Weapon is a bio-mechanical alien that can turn his stomach acid in various things such as fire, ice, soundwaves etc.
35 No Image Available Gentacle
A Luukeyiluukang from the planet Muuanmuur in the Sombrero Galaxy. Gentacle can turn his stomach acid into tentacles capable of melting steel.
36 No Image Available Jawbreaker
A Glutuk from the planet Rottor in the Mouse Galaxy. Jawbreaker can make his mouth reach incredible length.
37 No Image Available Ditto
A Splixson from the planet Hathor. Ditto can duplicate himself though if one of them is hurt the others will feel the same pain.
38 No Image Available Eye Guy
A Opticoid from the planet Sightra. Eye Guy can shoot plasma, electricity, ice and various other things out of his eyes.
39 No Image Available Way Big
A To'kustar from the Cosmic Storms in the Andromeda Galaxy. Way Big is a gigantic that can blast out energy blasts by making a X-shape with his arms.
40 No Image Available Swampfire
A Methanosian from the planet Methanos in the Sunflower Galaxy. Swampfire is a plant that can manipulate both plants and fire.
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41 No Image Available Echo Echo
A Sonorosian from the planet Sonorosia. Echo Echo can duplicate himself and create soundwaves loud enough to create glass.
42 No Image Available Humungousaur
A Humungousaur from the planet Terradino. Humungousaur is one of Ben's strongest alien and can grown in order to become stronger.
43 No Image Available Jetray
An Aerophibian from the planet Aeropela. Jetray is Ben's fastest alien, being to enter hyperspace in mere second. He can also shoot neuroshock blasts out of his eyes and tail.
44 No Image Available Big Chill
A Necrofriggian from the planet Kylmyys in the Black Eye Galaxy. Big Chill can turn intangible and use his cold breath to freeze various things.
45 No Image Available Chromastone
A Crystalsapien from the moon Mor' Otesi. Chromastone can absorb and shoot out ultraviolet rays.
46 No Image Available Brainstorm
A Cerebrocrustacean from the planet Encephalonus IV in the Encephalonus Solar System. Brainstorm is an alien with genius level intelligence that can generate electricity.
47 No Image Available Spidermonkey
A Arachnichimp from the planet Aranhaschimmia. Spidermonkey can shoot stick webs out of his tail.
48 No Image Available Goop
A Polymorph from the planet Viscosia. Goop is made out of a corrosive sludge. The Omnitrix gives Goop an Anti-Gravity Projector so that he can move in different planets.
49 No Image Available Alien X
A Celestialsapien from the Forge of Creation and the Zvezda Nebula. Alien X is a god-like being that can bend reality to his will.
50 No Image Available Lodestar
A Biosovortian from the planet Neodymun in the Hockey Stick Galaxy. Lodestar can manipulate and destroy metals.
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51 No Image Available Rath
A Appoplexian from the planet Appoplexia. Rath is a tiger-like alien with uncontrollable rage.
52 No Image Available Nanomech
A Nanochip and Human hybrid from the dwarf planet Latrilla in the Andromeda Galaxy. Nanomech can make himself smaller and also adapt to any situation.
53 No Image Available Rocks
A Basalt from the planet Andesite in the Cartwheel Galaxy. Rocks is made out of rocks which can manipulate. He can also create earthquakes.
54 No Image Available Squidstrictor
A Cephalod-ae from the planet Molluskus in the Tadpole Galaxy. Squidstrictor has many tentacles with super powerful suckers.
55 No Image Available Water Hazard
An Orishan from the planet Kiusana in the Andromeda Galaxy. Water Hazard can shoot out pressurized water blasts out of his hands.
56 No Image Available AmpFibian
An Amperi from the planet Tesslos in the Andromeda Galaxy. AmpFibian is an aquatic alien with electrical powers.
57 No Image Available Armodrillo
A Talpaedan from the planet Terraexcava in the Andromeda Galaxy. Armodrillo can turn his hands into drillo in order to dig.
58 No Image Available Terraspin
A Geochelone Aerio from the planet Aldabra in the Andromeda Galaxy. Terraspin can retract is head into his shell in order to create whirlwinds.
59 No Image Available NRG
A Prypiatosian-B from the planet Prypiatos in the Andromeda Galaxy. NRG wears a containment suit in order to hide his true form which releases and manipulates radiation.
60 No Image Available Fasttrack
A Citrakayah from the planet Chalybeas. Fasttrack has remarkable strength and speed but is not as fast as XLR8.
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61 No Image Available Clockwork
A Chronosapien from the Temperal World. Clockwork can manipulate time itself by slowing it down speeding it up or traveling in the past and future.
62 No Image Available ChamAlien
A Merlinisapien from the dwarf planet Refinesqua in the Black Eye Galaxy. ChamAlien turn himself invisible just like a chameleon.
63 No Image Available Shocksquatch
A Gimlinopithecus from the planet Pattersonea. Shocksquatch is a sasquatch-like alien that can manipulate electricity.
64 No Image Available Eatle
An Oyrctini from the planet Coleop Terra in the Hockey Stick Galaxy. Eatle can eat metals in order to shoot out energy beams out of his horn.
65 No Image Available Juryrigg
A Planchaküle from the planet Aul-turrhen. Juryrigg can build almost anything with very little such as turning a hot dog cart into a cannon.
66 No Image Available Feedback
A Conductoid from the Teslavorr Nebula in the Andromeda Galaxy. Feedback can absorb energy through his tendrils and shoot it out of his fingers.
67 No Image Available Bloxx
A Segmentasapien from the planet Polyominus in the Pinwheel Galaxy. Bloxx is made out of a LEGO-like substance which he can morph.
68 No Image Available Gravattack
A Galilean from the planet Keplorr's Orbit. Gravattack can manipulate gravity at the point of creating a black hole.
69 No Image Available Crashhopper
A Orthopterran from the planet Lepidopterra. Crashopper has super powerful legs that allows him to jump at remarkable heights.
70 No Image Available Ball Weevil
A Purazumoid from the planet Kegaretaka in the Cigar Galaxy. Ball Weevil generate mater-absorbing plasma out of his mouth and the middle of his horn.
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71 No Image Available Walkatrout
A Ickthyperambuloid from the planet Gilli-Perambulous Promenade in the Tadpole Galaxy. Walkatrout is a fish-like alien with a slippery body.
72 No Image Available Pesky Dust
A Nemuina from the planet Nemunimos IV (Hero Generation) from the Nemunimos System in the Black Eye Galaxy. Pesky Dust generates a dust-like substance that can make other fall asleep and allows him to manipulate the dreams of those effected by his dust.
73 No Image Available Mole-Stache
A Messieuroid from the planet Souterrana in the Sombrero Galaxy. Mole-Stache has moustache which he can turn into various weapons and other things.
74 No Image Available The Worst
An Atrocian from the planet Kegaretaka in the Cigar Galaxy. The Worst is a blob-like alien that cannot be damaged.
75 No Image Available Kickin Hawk
A Gallius from the planet Phasianida. Kickin Hawk is a chicken-like alien with enhanced combat prowess.
76 No Image Available Toepick
A Scopophabis from the planet Dnagagon in the Black Eye Galaxy. Toepick has a horrifying face that can scare anyone even Celestialsapiens.
77 No Image Available Astrodactyl
A Pturbosaurian from the planet Terradino. Astrodactyl can manipulate plasma in order to turn it into various different weapons.
78 No Image Available Bullfrag
An Incursean from the planet Dumeril.
79 No Image Available Gutrot
A Nitroid from the planet Molapor Prime in the Molapor System in the Cigar Galaxy.
80 No Image Available Whampire
A Vladat from the planet Anur Vladias in the Anur System.
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81 No Image Available Atomix
A Palamanoco from the planet Nucolera in the Andromeda Galaxy.
82 No Image Available Shellhead
A Chelydraga from the planet Tortaida in the Backward Galaxy. Shellhead is a violent turtle/tortoise-like that can extend his neck and has a spiked shell stronger than diamond.
83 No Image Available The Thorn
A Gymnosporian from the planet Bispinosa in the Needle Galaxy. The Thorn is made out of a group of other smaller The Thorns that combine together to form various weapons or made him larger. He can also shoot out his thorns.
84 No Image Available Sandbox
A Arizonoid from the planet Sadanra in the Backward Galaxy. Sandbox is a alien made entirely of sand that burn anything the touches into dust.
85 No Image Available Schorl
A Tourmalinoid from the planet Preal in the Hockey Stick Galaxy. Schorl can absorb the energy fromdifferent types of gems and then store them up in order to contain his enemies.
86 No Image Available Black Ice
A Glacial from the planet Antarcipol in the Cartwheel Galaxy. Black Ice can create electrical shocks capable of freezing entire cities.
87 No Image Available Ooze
A Mallius from the moon Tenebira in the Black Eye Galaxy. Ooze can possess other being making them look like demons and turn them pure evil. Ooze is also naturally evil making not a good choice for Ben to use.
88 No Image Available Grim
A Skelious from the planet Anur G'rrnay in the Anur System. Grim can manipulate the bones of others crushing them or even creating bones in random places that will more likely than not hurt the victim.