Behind the Limit is the third episode of Omni-World.
Omni-World | |
Aliens featured |
Ditto (O-W) - Eyeguy (O-W) - Wildvine (O-W) - Ultimate Cannonbolt (O-W) - Brainstorm (O-W) - Stick Man |
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Season 1 Episode 3 |
Brainstorm walked into the kitchen, where the rest of the guys are.
(Brainstorm): Hello everybody, today is Saturday, and to get rid of you on my free day, I'm sending you all to the Grey Matter National Space Station, also known GMNSS.
(Ditto): Give me one reason why I want to go to a stupid space station.
(Brainstorm): You get a look inside of the new spaceship!
(Ditto): I'm sold, let's go.
The guys and Brainstorm are then seen moments later walking in one of the halls at the space station. They then arrive at the main control center.
(Stick Man): Ah, you're finally here. Are you ready to visit the new spaceship?
(Everyone): Sure.
The gang walked to the ship, and everybody took a seat on the...chair thingies.
(Stick Man): Well, how does it feel?
(Wildvine): Cool!
Stick Man walked out of the spaceship.
(Stick Man): Well, if you would all like to follow me, so we can continue our tour..
(Ditto): Wait, what does this button do?
Ditto pushed a button with Launch about it. Then, the bridge between the spaceship and the station disappeared and the door of the spaceship was closed.
(Wildvine): Is what I think is happening, happening?
(Everyone): We're going to spaaaaaaaaaace-
While they yelled the last line, the spaceship was already being launched into space. Everybody's face was pulled back, until Ditto pushed the launch button again, and they stopped.
(Brainstorm): What do we do!? The horror!
(Wildvine): Are you upset because were probably stuck in space forever?
(Brainstorm): I was just worried about my free Saturday, but now it's even worst!
(Ditto): Wait, look.
He pointed to a window, wich showed Omni-World right beneath them.
(Ditto): Wait a minute...
Ditto pushed a button, and suddenly the ship fell down and destroyed most of the GMNSS with it's fall. Stick Man found them between the rubble.
(Stick Man): Ehem...Gentlemen, do you want to continue the tour?
(Ditto): Or what's left of it.