Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10: Unbound
Season 1, Episode 5
Air date 10/3/14
Written by Steve & Dragon
Directed by Steve & Dragon
Episode Guide
Energy To None
Minus 10

 Beats Me is the fifth episode of Ben 10: Unbound.


The episode begins in the past. 11 year old Ben as Cannonbolt is fighting the Forever Knights.


(Cannonboolt): How about... No.

He rolls into him.

(Enoch): Oof, why you litte son of a bit-

(Cannonbolt): Dude, shut up! You're seriously annoying.

He runs him over again then transforms

(Snare-Oh): SNARE-OH! Almost called him Benmummy. What a stupid name.

(Enoch): Just like you!

(Snare-Oh): ...

He wraps him up and throws him into a wall.

(Enoch, to forever knights): Don't just stand there, help!

They run to fight Snare-Oh, but he just hangs them all upside down from the chandleir.

(Snare-Oh): He!

The prototype Omnitrix timed out.

(ben): Aww man!

The scene switches to the present day. Ben is outside.

(Ben): Kevin, remember Slix Vigma? I wonder where he is now.

(Kevin): Plumber Custody, last time I checked

(Ben): Oh...hey let's go visit him!

(Kevin): ...Really? He tried to kill us.

(ben): Well, after that, You tried to kill me, so...

They went to the Plumber's Base. They see a bunch of Plumbers surrounding the base.

(Ben): What's going on?

(Max): Slix Vigma escaped!

(Kevin): Oh No!

(Ben): So....we have to go look for him now, don't we?

(Max): Yep.

(kevin): Too bad Gwen's out with Lucy....

(Ben): And Rook's on Revonnah...

(Kevin): So we beat him up!

Later on Slix Vigmas Ship....

Slix Vigma is seen exploring.

(Slix): I swear I heard somethng...

(Ben, coming out of the shadows): Yeah, you heard us.

(Kevin): What he said!

(Slix): You again! No matter. I will reopen the tournaments, and you will be the first contestants!


{Commercial Break}

Do you hate someone so bad, you'd kill them, but you don't want it on your 

records? Give Sci's Slendy Service a call, and Murder and Assasination is 

always an option. Triple S, located on the corner of TEE lane and BTFF Street.

[End Commercial]

Ben and Kevin are now shown in a battle arena.

(Ben): I'm supposed...

(Kevin): ...To fight you...

(ben): ...But we finish...

(Kevin):...Each others...

(Ben): Sentences.


Ben transforms

(Swampfire): Ok.

(Kevin): NO!

Swampfire hrew a fireball at Slix.

(Swampfire): You never said WHO to fight. Next time, be more specific.

(Slix): Fight each other, stupid!

(kevin): Language.

(Swampfire): Baby Osmosian.

He throws a fires ball at Kevin, then tackles him.

(kevin, Quietly): What is this for

(Swampfire): Jus trust me on this one. This is being recorded. It's just a TV show. Simian Said.

(Kevin): Simian? (Swampfire nods) It can't be a just a TV show.

(Swampfire): Why no-Oh

(Swampfire and Kevin): Because Simian said it's just a TV show.

Swampfire traps Kevin in vines. 

(Kevin, struggling to get off): That all you got?

(swampfire, smiling): No.

He goes Ultimate

(Ultimate Swampfire): ULTIMATE SWAMPFIRE!

He's about to blast Kevin, but the scene changes back to Slix Vigmas ship in the past.

Kevin 11 and Ben as Four Arms are fighting

(Kevin 11): Give up, Tennyson!

(Four Arms):

He charges at Kevin 11.

Kevin uses Heatblast's Fire and Stinkfly's goo to create an explosion.

(Four Arms): You never learn, do you? 

He runs at him again, but this time, Kevin hits the Omnitrix, turning Ben into Eye Guy.

(Eye Guy): Future me was rEYEt. EYE should've locke mEYE omnitrx.

(Kevin 11): Wut?

(Eye Guy): Um...nothing. 

He blasted Kevin.

(kevin 11): THATS NOT COOL

Ben reverts.

(Ben): Know what else isn't cool? (Checks Omnitix battery) The fact that this thing has low battery.

Kevin 11 grab Ben.

(Kevin 11): You're dead, now!

(Ben): Aw man

{Commericial Break}

When TImelines Fail

And Eon rises

Paradox gathers every good Ben in the Multiverse

To save every day in every timeline.

Ben 10: Dimensional Crisis written by OmniDragon and Steve

Coming Soon

{Commerical End}

The scene switches back to the present.

it turns out that Ult. Swampfire shot a comet of fire at the vines holding Kevin.

Ult. Swampfire transforms

(Ditto): DITTO!

He multiplies and some of them go to attack Slix, while others Help Kevin.

(Ditto#4): Take this!

He kick Slix in his youknowwhere.

Slix blasts the omnitrix, turning Ditto into Buzzshock.

(Buzzshock): EVEN BETTER!

He ges into Slix and glitches him.

(Kevin): Nice job!

(Buzzshock): Thanks.

He reverted. Technorg appears.

(Technorg): Ben!

He hugs him

(Ben): Hi Technorg. You've met Kevin

Technorg looks at him.

(technorg): KEVIN!

He tries to strangle him


Technorg and Kevin 11 are fighting. Ben is watching in the far corner.

(Ben): Let's go Technorg, Let's Go! (Two claps)

(kevin): I hate you

(ben): Good.

(Kevin): Sometimes I want t beat the crap out of yo-

Technorg punches him.

(Kevin 11): Oof!

He punches Technorg  back.

This goes on for a while. Ben gets bored.

(Ben): This has gone on long enough.

He activated the Omnitrix.


(Kevin), nervously): Hey, Technorg. Long time, no see.

(Technorg): I've heard you've changed your ways... but I'm keeping an eye on you.

(Kevin): Yay?

(Technorh): So Ben, what are you doing here?

(Ben): We snuck on for plumber buisness.

(Technorg): My master fixes toilets?

Kevin Facepalms

(Kevin): Why does everybody say that?!

He looks at Ben who just shrugs.

(Ben): It's kinda in the name.

Kevin looks annoyed.

Just then, Slix appear.

(Slix): Hey! Why aren't you two fighting? And...(notices Technorg) What are you doing here?

(Technorg): Me no like you!

he punches him, knocking him unconcious


11 year old Ben is Wildmutt helping Technorg fight Kevin 11 when Slix appears.

(Slix): ONE ON ONE ONLY! OR DOUBLE! Don't gang up on him

(Technorg): Then why don't YOU help him?

(Slix): Because I don't figh-

He is grabbed by Kevin 11.

(Kevin): You help me, or I will smash you to smitherines!

(Slix): Ok, ok! I'll help, just let me go!

(kevin): Good.

He drop Slix and charge at Ben. The scene switches back to the present.

(Kevin): Those were good ol' times.... I would try to kill you, Technorg would try to kill me.... It was great.

(Ben): Yeah, good times, good times.

(technorg): I hated those times


(Ben): Kk

He turns into Echo Echo when Simian comes in.

(Simian): Hey guys!

(Echo Echo and Kevin): SIMIAN!?

(Simian): (makes monkey noises) In the fur!

(Kevin): Last time I saw you, you traded DNA repair guns to the incurseans...

(Ben): And after that you partnered with Collectim-

(Simian): That's passed me! I'm new now!

(Ben, rolling eye): Yeah...sure you are.

(Simian): I'm very civilized now, I-

(Slix Vigma): Shut u-

He's punched by Technorg

(Simian): Anyway, I am now a model citizen!

(Ben): A model citizen, eh? That reminds me of someone.

(kevin and Ben): Argit.

(Technorg): He cheated me out a couple times.

(Simian): He sounds lke a good partner

(Kevin): Eh, not reall-

Slix come back.

(Slix): I'm not done with you yet.

(Ben): Bring it on!

He smacked the Omnitrix but it beeped.

(Ben): Now? Seriously?

(Slix): Yes, seriously.

(Kevin): Don't worry. I got this.

He absorbs Technorg's armour.

(Technorg): Hey! That's my armor!

(Kevin): Deal with it!

He charge at Slix while Simian snook away.

(Ben): Not so fast, Simmy.

(Simian): Oh, but I am.

He shoot a web at Ben trapping him.

(Ben): Why do The Creators  hate me?

(Simian): What?

(Ben): Nothing.

(Simian): Ok, I'll leave now...

(Ben): No you won't!

He turns into Spidermonkey.

(Simian): Oh, so you wanna play it that wa-

Slix is throw at Simian.

(Spidermonkey): Yeah, I do!

He looks back a Technorg and Kevin

(Spidermonkey): Thanks!

Tachnorg waves and Kevin nods. Spidermoneky reverted.

(Ben): Now let's get out here be-

Slix and Simian gets up.

(ben): before that happens.

Simian tackles him, but Ben transforms

(Toepick): TOEPICK!

Slix and Simian laugh.

(Slix): Is that the best you go-

Toepick open his cage.

Simian screams, but Slix just stands there

(Kevin): I got this.

He breaks Slix Vigma

(Slix): Wait, N-

He breaks to pieces as Toepick reverted. Simian runs into his Space Pod and escapes


Slix and Kevin 11 are facing 11 year old Ben and Technorg.

(Ben): This isn't good is it?

(Technorg): Eh.

(Ben): Don't worry, I got a plan.

He activated the Omnitrix and scroll to Upgrade.

(Ben): COme on...

He slams down on it.

(Upgrade): Yes, got what I asked for

He merged with Slix.

(Slix): NO. NOT AGAIN.

He broke as the scene switch back to the present.

(ben): This mission was easy.

(Kevin): Eh

(Ben): So, how do we get home?

(Kevin): Beats me.

(technorg): You could steer it home. Plumbers is watching us right now. It is a TV show I think. Maybe.

(Kevin): Great idea.


He waves at random places, looking for a camera.

(Technorg): Is he always like this?

(Kevin, nodding slowly): Unfortunately.

The two sigh while Ben looks for a camera. The episode ends.

Major Events[]

Slix Vigma makes his Unbound debut.

11 year old Ben makes his Unbound debut.

Cannonbolt and Snare-oh makes their Unbound debuts by 11 year old Ben.

Enoch and the Forever Knights make their Unbound debuts.

Technorg makes his unbound debut



  • Ben Tennyson
  • Kevin Levin
  • Technorg


  • Slix Vigma
  • Forever Knights
  • ENoch
  • Simian

Aliens Used:[]

11 year old Ben[]

  • Cannonbolt
  • Snare-Oh
  • Four Arms
  • EyeGuy
  • Wildmutt

16 year old Ben[]

  • Swampfire
  • Ultimate Swampfire
  • Ditto
  • Buzzshock
  • Echo Echo
  • Spidermonkey
  • Toepick