Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

 Baron Finster is a villain in IRR. He originates from the Secret Saturdays. He is half human, half robotic scorpion, making him a cyborg.


Baron has black hair combed over to the side. He also has wrinkles along his cheeks and a large nose. He wears a brown coat with a brown undershirt and black tie. His botttom half is orange and is attached to a robotic scorpion tail.


Baron Finster previously fought Doyle Blackwell, a member of the Saturday family. They were both big players in the criminal underground, which made Doyle want to wipe him out. Doyle took out his lower half, leaving him crippled, until V.V. Argost found him. Argost replaced his lower half with a robotic scorpion bottom, and he afterwards seeked revenge on Doyle.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • sharp robotic scorpion tail


  • Baron never died like he did in the Saturdays show.