Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

This is a list of episodes of At Azmuth's College.

Season 1[]

Episode Name Description Number
Alien School Evfnye joins Azmuth's College and makes two friends. 1
New to the College? Niklas joins the aliens, and Ben Tennyson joins the fun. 2
Andromeda Problems Albedo goes to Andromeda and discovers a new alien. 3
Alien Swap Evfnye and Niklas turn into aliens. 4
Strange Sexual Tension Gwendolyn and Kevin have a fight, but Albedo's behind. 5
Quick Trip to Russia Evfnye and Electron travel to Russia. 6
School Snakes Niklas' snakes go mad because they found an introuder. 7
Original vs Remix Ben is trying to become better than Albedo's ultimates. 8
A Triangle Has 3 Sides: Part 1 Albedo is making noise in the Triangulum Galaxy. 9
A Triangle Has 3 Sides: Part 2 The Treyengles are in danger, and the team help them. 10
Inside Two Rivers Mesopotamia is the place of trouble. 11
The Raid Planet In the Sol System, the planet Mars hides something. 12
Black Hole On The Way TBA 13
Keplorr's three laws TBA 14