The Astral Franchise is a Video Game Franchise created by User: Reo 54. Sadly, the franchise was cancelled before the first game was released. It was cancelled in favour of the Omni-Legends Video Game Franchise.
The Franchise stretches over Video Games in wich you can choose one of the main characters and play as them. The quests in the game differ based on who you pick.
Games in the Franchise[]
Astral I[]
The Game focuses around an old Battleship that crashed in Ancient Egypt. the battleship turns out to come from the Pyros System, revealing to be an escape ship during the Pyronite/Aquazenite War. The Two species have battled for a long time. Right now the Third War is happening and the team wants to try and stop it. The Game also uncovers some of the mysteries behind some character pasts.
The Game Introduces the ALPHA One, Two, and Three Warriors as well as Jetrax and Zenox. As the Main characters, the game features Robert "Rob" Dawn, Eve Louis, Daniel "Dan" Powers, Victoria "Vicky" Myers, Jerome Clark and Tina Kavaghan from wich 4 will continue on appearing in future games.
Astral II[]
To Be Added...
Astral III[]
Notable Characters[]
- Robert "Rob" Dawn
- Eve Louis
- Daniel "Dan" Powers
- Victoria "Vicky" Myers
- Jerome Clark
- Tina Kavaghan
- Zenox
- Jetrax
- The ALPHA Warriors
- The BETA Warriors
- Victor Clark
- Sir Myers
- Khan Kavaghan
- Kenneth "Kenny" Michels
To Be Completed
- In a way, the franchise takes inspiration from the Final Fantasy Series.
- Originally 9 games were planned for this Franchise, but the creator states that he has ideas for 11 or 12