Ash 10 is a series by Kross that follows Ash Ketchum as he saves the world from evil. It is supposed to have 2-3 seasons.
One of the ultimate What If?s happened - What If Kurt Negason was killed in Hunters? After Kurt's death, Vilgax was able to start his invasion of Earth with the Divinematrix at his side. Heroes, villains and ordinary people fought back, leading the war to become a stalemate. However, the Vilgaxian empire had recently made some new, powerful allies, making Ash Ketchum take the mantle of Champion of Earth.
Main article: Ash 10 Episode Guide
Add your signature on a new bullet here.
- name is morgan freeman. (Wall - Blog - Contribs) 09:09, May 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Ash Ketchum
- Kurt Negason(deceased)
- The Council
- Vilgax
- Eight-eight
- Kraab
- Sevenseven
- Sixsix