Pinaoanimliahom sapienses are a race of clumsy snapping turtles.
Armoranimal Tortugans resemble Geochelone Aerios, except they evolved from snapping turtles.
Evolved Armoranimal Tortugans are metallic cyan version of themselves with spikes on their shells.
Powers and Abilities[]
Armoranimal Tortugans cal withdraw into their shells, which then curls up if they want to into a ball.
Armoranimal Tortugans have been known for their clumsiness. They also can't roll on sticky surfaces.
Notable Armoranimal Tortugans[]
- Cannonshell (X-Matrix's DNA Sample of an Armoranimal Tortugan)
- Ultimate Cannonshell (Evolved Armoranimal Tortugan DNA Sample)
- Sentient Ultimate Cannonshell (Evolved)