Arctiguana is the Decatrix's DNA sample of a Polar Manzardill from the ice caps on the planet X'Nelli.
Arctiguana's appearance somewhat resembles an iguana with three sharp spines running down his back. His lipless jaws are lined with razor sharp teeth which are able to penetrate metal. He wears a red and grey outfit. The Decatrix symbol is located on his left wrist.
Powers and Ablities[]
Arctiguana is capable of breathing ice from his mouth, which is capable of trapping opponents in ice. This ice breath is cold enough to freeze large bodies of water and extinguish fires.
His large jaws filled with sharp, serrated teeth allow Arctiguana to bite through steel.
Arctiguana possesses enhanced strength and durability, due to having thick skin, which protects him from the cold.
His ice breath can be used as a means of quickly hovering himself via propulsion across the ground.
His clawed hands give him enhanced dexterity and allows him to scale walls with ease.
Arctiguana will need to catch his breath if he uses his ice breath for an extended period of time.
He is vulnerable to heat-based attacks.