Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Araceli (Earth-126) Default
General Information
Species Artificial Human
Home World Earth
Age N/A
Aliases Ari
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Biological Manipulation
Limited Transformation
DNA Absorption
Ability Replication
Enhanced Intelligence
Animal Empathy(disabled)
Animal Imitation
Technological Power Link
Equipment Themself
Relatives Azlin Jones(Genetic Donor)
??? ????(Genetic Donor)
Alternate Counterparts Azlin Jones
Fusion Azlin
Az 23
Voice Actor any volunteers?

Araceli is a villain in A Hero of 10; Rebooted. They are an Artificial Human from the planet Earth.


Their default appearance is quite punkish and emo. Their hair is short and dyed at the tips but this seems to be natural coloration for them.

Their outfit consists of a skirt in teal with a strapless top that parts in the front showing off more skin in the color of near-black, armbands one white and teal striped on the left and solid near-black on the right.

Sporting near-black boots with teal soles, and mismatched stockings of white and teal on the left and near-black on the right.


They have a bit of a complex and resents the face they have and share with their donor Azlin, and will go as far as killing her.

Having the empathy disabled, perhaps even broken, leaves for them to be quite sinister and cunning, they are apathetic towards others showing no signs of care at all.

Powers and Abilities[]

They can mimic moves of others wheather they are her opponent or not.

Can copy powers from scanning or just by touching.

Can alter their molecular density.



  • A Hero of 10; Age of the Unitrix (Movie)


  • Due to being artificial they see no need for such things as gender.
  • Araceli is a Unitrix of unique properties.