Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Anthony Haden-Scott
Pre-EVO Anthony Haden-Scott
General Information
Species EVO
Home World Earth
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Energy manipulation, Matter manipulation

 Anthony Haden-Scott is an EVO, formerly human. He can manipulate things, mostly related to science.


Anthony is a full grey figure with no mouth, eyes, nose, or really any features. He has cracks in his skin that reveal a large mass of bright yellow energy inside of him. He wears a harness to keep himself together.


Anthony is part of a group called the Consortium. They were previously evil and on the same side as Rex Salazar, but now just want to rule over everything, including Ben. All of Consortium was previously human, before being infused with Meta-Nanites, the most powerful nanites possible. Though they intended to use these meta-nanites to fuse and destroy things until having the process repeated in the right way, it was found out there was actually a sixth meta-nanite inside of Rex. This means Rex can control all the other Meta-Nanites if needed.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Energy manipulation
  • Matter manipulation