Ben 10: Unbound | |
Season 1, Episode 3 | |
Written by | Steve & Dragon |
Directed by | Steve & Dragon |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Return of a Hero: Part 2 |
Next Energy To None |
Animon is the third episode of Ben 10: Unbound.
Animo is shown in his Plumber's cell.
(Animo): That blasted Tennyson! Always ruining my plans.
He walks around the cell.
(Animo): But soon...I will have my revenge!
Animo takes food trays and wires and starts building something.
(Animo): Heh heh
(Theme Song)
{Commercial Break}
Ben and Rook are sparring, Ben as Fasttrack.
(Fasttrack): Too fast for ya?
He punches Rook, like, 500 times in the stomach, really fast
(Rook):I'm going to pretend that didn't hurt
(Fasttrack): Good, so I can keep punching you
This goes on FOREVER until Rook gives up.
Ben reverts
(Ben): Good training session.
(Rook): No, it was not.
(Ben): Just wish the Omnitrix would've given me Diamondhead instead of that XLR8 wannabe.
(Rook): Stop wishing for a petrosapien form, when Citrakayahs are far more capable in measures of speed, though they are not as fast as Kinecleareans, however, they are stronger than them. Therefore, they are more suited for combat.
(Ben): You exhaust me.
They start walking through the halls of the Plumber base.
(Ben): Hey, Rook, let's go check on the vilains in the cells.
(Rook): Umm, Ben, that's not a good id-
(Ben): Great, let's go.
Rook facepalms.
Ben dances.
They walk up to Animo's cell, where he is watching something through a box.
(Ben): Hey Animo, what'cha doin?
(Rook): Ben, unless he has seen "Phineas and Ferb", he wouldn't get that joke.
(Ben): Good.
(Animo): I'm watching an alternate Universe, to find a creature to destroy you, thanks for asking.
(Ben): Ok, cool- WHAT?!?!
(Animo): Ah, found one! It looks so regal!
He presses a button, and a portal appears next to Ben. A Magickarp comes out of it.
(Ben): Obviously you've never seen Pokemon. This dude is weak!
(Animo): He looks so strong in water....
(Rook): LOL FAIL!
(Ben): Where is Rook, and what have you done with him?
Meanwhile Magickarp just uses splash.
(Rook, I hope): Sorry, I was on chaturn yesterday.
Ben faints.
(Animo): Rook, I haven't known you long, but you... don't .... d-do... tha-
He faints too.
(Rook): I am going to prank Ben now.
He puts Magickarp to Ben's Omnitrix, so that Ben scans him.
Ben wakes up.
(Ben): Rook, I'm gonna take your advice and use Fasttrack intentionally!
He slaps the Omnitrix, but turns into Magickarp with a green crown and whiskers and the omnitrix symbol on his side instead.
(??? alien): WeakFish!
(WeakFish): Aww man!
He uses tackle again and again. Dr. Animo quickly wakes up and runs off without them noticing.
{Commercial Break}
Animo is shown creating a mutant Pikachu.
(Animo): Rise my pet!
The mutant Pikachu rose.
(Animo, smirking): Now, time for some more!
The scene switches back to WeakFish bouncing.
(WeakFish): did I even get this guy?
He spots Rook laughing in the corner.
(WeakFish): ROOK!
He tried to chase after Rook but he just bounced.
(WeakFish): Ugh...
He just bonuced.
Back with Animo...
He is trying to get Pikachu to power a device.
(Animo): Come on, Mutant Marvel, power it!
(Pikachu): Pika Pika. Pika-a-a CHOO!
He sneezes an electric blast that destroys the device, shocks Animo, and renders the parts of he machine charred and useless.
(Animo): Screw you, Pikachu.
He sends him back by breaking a TV while watching pokemon.
{Commercial Break}
Ben is now drinking milkshakes with Gwen and Kevin.
Kevin: Where's Rook?
Ben: Helping out in Inhuman Resources for some community volunteer crap.
Gwen and Kevin: Oh.
Gwen: Hey Ben, who's your favorite alien?
Ben: Upgrade, hands down.
Kevin: Funny, when I was Kevin 11, I couldn't figure out his powers, so I considered him useless.
Ben: I hate you, Levin.
Gwen: Seriously Ben, remember when you would always pick Four Arms or Humungousaur, and get mad if you got Upgrade?
Ben: I've changed. I'm more mature and grown up now.
Kevin spits out his Milkshake, laughing very hard.
Kevin: YOU? Mature?
He has a laughing fit.
(Ben): -_- Watch it.
(Kevin): Or what?
(Ben, activating Omnitrix): Way Big will crus-(Animo flies on a mutanted Charizard).
(Animo): Oh, Ben!
(Gwen): Is that Animo and a...giant lizard?
(Kevin, noticing Charizard): Wait...(starts laughing) Is that a....POKEMON? (he has another laughing fit)
The Charizard looks at Kevin and burns him with "Flamethrower".
(Kevin): Ow...(falls to the ground)
(Gwen): Kevin!
(Ben): Alright, Animo. Let's finish this. Come on, Rath!
He transform.
(WeakFish): WeakFish!...Seriously?!
(Gwen): What kind of alien is that?
(WeakFish): A useless pokemon one!
(Gwen): Ok....
(Animo): Ha! Your pathetic alien form won't save you.
(WeakFish): But my Ultimate Can!
He goes Ultimate, turning into Gyrados, AKA Ultimate WeakFish
(Animo): OH POOP!
UWF takes out Charizard with one Hydro Pump.
(Animo): WHY ME??!?!
He tries to run away, but UWF makes him slip by blasting water on the floor in front of him. UWF then turns into Jury Rigg and rigs the machine into a cannon. he aims it at Animo and Charizard, and the two are sucked into the Pokemon world forever. Jury Rigg reverts.
(Gwen): Great, now he's probably mutating Pokemon...
(Ben): Oh well! He's Ask Ketchum's problem now!
(Kevin): Officer Jenny probably was a warrant on him by now.
(Ben): Sucks to be him
(Mrs. Milkshakes employee): Yeah, well, now it sucks to be you, 'CAUSE YOU GET TO CLEAN THIS WHOLE PLACE UP NOW!
He points to all the damge the battle did as Rook walks in.
(Rook): So, what did I miss?
Major Events[]
Fasttrack and Jury Rigg makes their Unbound debut.
WeakFish makes his debut. SO des his Ultimate
Animo finally is seen again and is later transported to the Pokemon world never to be seen again...maybe.
- Ben Tennyson
- Rook Blonko
- Gwen Tennyson
- Kevin Levin
- Dr. Animo
Aliens Used[]
- Fasttrack (first reappearance)( Selected alien was diamondhead)
- WeakFish (First appearence, 2x) (first time, Selected alien was Fasttrack, second time, selected alien was Rath)/ Ultimate WeakFish
- Jury Rigg (first reappearance)
- This is Fasttrack's only appearance, but I'll add him somewhere later, 'cause Steve ain't always right!
- This is the last episode to use any animal aliens until episode 8.