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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

And Then There Was Mana is the first episode of Gwen 10: Universe.

The following content contains profanity that may not be suitable for readers of all ages. Please proceed with caution.


The episodes begins in outer space (how original).

(Ship's Speakers): Give me the omnitrix!

Gwen's ship is close by.

(Gwen's Ship's Speaker): No, bich.

(Different voice on same speaker): Kevin!

(First voice): What? You're such weirdo, Gwen!

Gwen sighs.

(Gwen): At least, you're better than Ben.

(Vligax's Ship's Speaker): Uh... Should I leave now?

Gwen's Anodite form is seen coming out of the ship. She blasts Mana at the ship.

(Gwen): Yes, I think you should.

Vilgax's ship drives off, while Gwen's ship goes back to Earth. It lands and Gwen and Kevin get out.

(Kevin): I'm bored.

(Gwen): We could spar!

(Kevin): I don't think s-

Gwen transforms into Rubixgirl. 

(Rubixgirl): Rubixgirl! Too bad. I have two powers I can clobber you with.

(Kevin): Exactly.

(Rubixgirl): So don't you think that's a pretty good reason to agree with me?

(Kevin): I hate it when you're right.

(Rubixgirl): Isn't that always?

(Kevin): Actu-

Rubixgirl stares at him.

(Kevin): Um..yes, it is.

(Rubixgirl): What I thought.

She reverts to Gwen.

(Gwen): Come on! Let's go!

(Kevin): Go where?

(Gwen): You'll see.

They runs off into the sunset. The End. Jk. THEME SONG!

They are now seen in a restaurant.

(Kevin): What are we doing here?

(Gwen): I told Emily I'd meet her here.

(Kevin): Violin girl?

(Gwen): Yeah.

Her Omnitrix beeps. It's Ben.

(Ben): Gwen, we need you at Undertown. Sunny's back. She has ultimates.

(Gwen): Man, I miss those aliens. Except when they tried to sacrifice me. Oh well. Kevin's on his way.

(Ben): Kevin? We need you, not that dirtbag!

(Kevin): Hey!

(Gwen): I promised Emily I'd meet her here. I'll send stone creatures to help.

(Ben): Fine.

He hangs up. Kevin leaves, and Gwen mutters a spell. She opens a portal as the stone creatures jump in. She closes the portal.

(Gwen): Ugh.

Emily shows up.

(Emily): Oh hey, girl.

(Gwen): Hey.

(Emily): Where's your

(Gwen): Kevin.

(Emily): Yeah, I said that. Where is he?

(Gwen): Somewhere in this universe.

(Emily): Whatever.

She sits down. Gwen's Omnitrix beeps again.

(Emily): What's with your watch?

(Gwen): It's malwarin- I mean, malfunctioning. I'll be right back.

She runs to the bathroom and taps on her Omnitrix. It's Ben.

(Gwen): What now?



  • Gwen
  • Kevin
  • Ben
  • Emily


  • Vilgax

Aliens Used[]

  • Rubixgirl