- Heatblast
- The Percolating Coffee Guy
- Wildmutt
- Fourarms
- Darkflame
- Diamondhead
- Stinkfly
- Chomper
- Ek
- Grey Matter
- Upgrade
- Ghostfreak
- XLR8
- Ripjaws
- Cannonbolt
- Wildvine
- Benwolf
- Benmummy
- Benvicktor
- Benkrabb
- Bendragon
- Benvreedle
- Benanimo
- Bengax
- Bendactyl
- Manaflow
- Benlevin
- Bengluto
- Benblaster
- BenKrakken
- Benbreed
- Upchuck
- Inferno
- Ditto
- Eye Guy
- Waybig
- Spykback
- Articguana
- Spitter
- Buzzshock
- Eon
- Swampfire
- Chromastone
- Brainstorm
- Spidermonkey
- Humungousaur
- Jetray
- Big Chill
- Echo Echo
- Goop
- [1]
- Rath
- Lodestar
- Badaboom
- Teleportal
- Swirls
- Overflow
- Musclemass
- Megashark
- FuzzBall
- Nanomech
- Waterhazard
- Terraspin
- Armodrillo
- AmpFibian
- Fasttrack
- Clockwork
- Jury Rigg
- Eatle
- Shocksquatch
- ChamAlien
- Rook
- Blox
- Feedback
- Graviton
- Bendox
- Toepick
- Shellhead
- Icepick
- Mindmesser
- Snakepit
- Rocks
- Squidstrictor
- Atomix
- Earthshaker
- Sandbox
- Sticher
- Flipso
- Airtimer
- Boozo
- Fireflight
- Aquatic
- Sweller
- Bloatbomb
- Hotshot (Alien)
- Longstar
- Osmon
- Xrayer
- Red-dust
- Blueglider
- Zoomer
- Chatter
- Agefier
- Elementmaster
- Jewels
- Bullets
- Nightmare
- Angelhands
- Putty
- Creeper
- Razrhead
- Bonehead
- Overeater
- Joker
- Snotshot
- Seasonal
- Crackalacka
- Exhaler
- Inker
- Blackmagic
- Clearfear
- The Ultimate Percolating Coffee Guy
- Wiseguy
- Bombers
- Driller
- Nightlight
- No-Go
- Hacker (BTUF)
- Waxer
- Skyhop
- Xtreme
- Windtwo
- Pause
- Leapfrog
- Darkdirt
- Hanger
- Slamdah
- More-Shore
- Quadsquad
- Flap-It
- Polarmole
- Locks
- Blankfaint
- White-might
- Wildsurfer
- Flamicle
- Spotifly
- Apering
- Radio-Active
- Bencubra
- Ultimate Bencubra
- Benlimax
- Blocker
- Rubix
- Draco
- Smallarge
- Ultimate Smallarge
- Ultimate Draco
- Ultimate Rubix
- Ultimate Blocker
- Ultimate Benlimax
- Ultimate Heatblast
- Ultimate Wildmutt
- Ultimate Four Arms
- Ultimate Stinkfly
- Ultimate Diamondhead (BTMO)
- Ultimate Ripjaws
- Ultimate Ghostfreak
- Ult XLR8
- Ult Grey Matter
- Ult Upgrade
- Ultimate Cannonbolt
- Ult Upchuck
- Ultimate Wildvine
- Ult Benblaster
- Ult Benwolf
- Ult Benmummy
- Ult Benvicktor
- Ultimate Chomper
- Ult Benkrabb
- Ult Benanimo
- Ultimate Manaflow
- Ultimate Bendactyl
- Ult Benlevin
- Ult Bengluto
- Ultimate Ek
- Ult Benkrakken
- Ultimate Ditto (BTMO)
- Ult. Eye-Guy
- Ult. Waybig
- Ult Spykback
- Ult Articguanna
- Ult. Buzzshock
- Ult. Spitter
- Ult Eon
- Ultimate Swampfire
- Ult Brainstorm
- Ultimate Hummungousaur
- Ult Chromastone
- Ultimate Jetray (BTMO
- Ultimate Echo Echo
- Ult Goop
- Ultimate Spidermonkey
- Ult Alien-X
- Ultimate Big Chill
- Ultimate Rath
- Ultimate Lodestar
- Ult Badaboom
- Ult. Teleportal
- Ult Swirls
- Ult Overflow
- Ult Megashark
- Ult Musclemass
- Ultimate FuzzBall
- Ult Nanomech
- Ult Water Hazard
- Ult Terraspin
- Ult AmpFibian
- Ult NRG
- Ult Armodrillo
- Ult Fasttrack
- Ult Clockwork
- Ult Jury Rigg
- Ult Eatle
- Ult Shocksquatch
- Ult ChamAlien
- Ult Toepick
- Ult Sandbox
- Ult Mindmesser
- Ult Earthshaker
- Ult Snakepit
- Ult Squidstrictor
- Ult Rocks
- Ult Atomix
- Ult Shellhead
- Ult Icepick
- Ult Flipso
- Ult Sticher
- Ult Boozo
- Ult Fireflight
- Ult Aquatic
- Ult Sweller
- Ult Bloatbomb
- Ult Osmon
- Ult Longstar
- Ult Hotshot
- Ult X-Rayer
- Ult Red-Dust
- Ult Blueglider
- Ult Zoomer
- Ult Agefier
- Ult Elementmaster
- Ult Jewels
- Ult Bullets
- Ult Darkflame
- Ult Bendactyl
- Ult Putty
- Ult Nightmare
- Ult Angelhands
- Ult Bonehead
- Ult Creeper
- Ult Razredge
- Ult Joker
- Ult Overeater
- Ult Snotshot
- Ult Exhaler
- Ult Inker
- Ult Seasonal
- Ult Crackalacka
- Ult Blackmagic
- Ult Clearfear
- Ult Bombers
- Ult Wiseguy
- Ult Driller
- Ult No-Go
- Ult Nightlight
- Ult Waxer
- Ult Hacker
- Ult Skyhop
- Ult Xtreme
- Ult Darkdirt
- Ult Windtwo
- Ult Pause
- Ult Leapfrog
- Ult Hanger
- Ult Slamdah
- Ult More-Shore
- Ult Quad-Squad
- Ult Flap-It
- Ult Polarmole
- Ult Locks
- Ult Blankfaint
- Ult Whitemight
- Ult Wildsurfer
- Ult Flamicle
- Ult Spotifly
- Ult Apering
- Ult Radio-Active
- Heatblast
- The Percolating Coffee Guy
- Wildmutt
- Fourarms
- Darkflame
- Diamondhead
- Stinkfly
- Chomper
- Ek
- Grey Matter
- Upgrade
- Ghostfreak
- XLR8
- Ripjaws
- Cannonbolt
- Wildvine
- Benwolf
- Benmummy
- Benvicktor
- Benkrabb
- Bendragon
- Benvreedle
- Benanimo
- Bengax
- Bendactyl
- Manaflow
- Benlevin
- Bengluto
- Benblaster
- BenKrakken
- Benbreed
- Upchuck
- Inferno
- Ditto
- Eye Guy
- Waybig
- Spykback
- Articguana
- Spitter
- Buzzshock
- Eon
- Swampfire
- Chromastone
- Brainstorm
- Spidermonkey
- Humungousaur
- Jetray
- Big Chill
- Echo Echo
- Goop
- [2]
- Rath
- Lodestar
- Badaboom
- Teleportal
- Swirls
- Overflow
- Musclemass
- Megashark
- FuzzBall
- Nanomech
- Waterhazard
- Terraspin
- Armodrillo
- AmpFibian
- Fasttrack
- Clockwork
- Jury Rigg
- Eatle
- Shocksquatch
- ChamAlien
- Rook
- Blox
- Feedback
- Graviton
- Bendox
- Toepick
- Shellhead
- Icepick
- Mindmesser
- Snakepit
- Rocks
- Squidstrictor
- Atomix
- Earthshaker
- Sandbox
- Sticher
- Flipso
- Airtimer
- Boozo
- Fireflight
- Aquatic
- Sweller
- Bloatbomb
- Hotshot (Alien)
- Longstar
- Osmon
- Xrayer
- Red-dust
- Blueglider
- Zoomer
- Chatter
- Agefier
- Elementmaster
- Jewels
- Bullets
- Nightmare
- Angelhands
- Putty
- Creeper
- Razrhead
- Bonehead
- Overeater
- Joker
- Snotshot
- Seasonal
- Crackalacka
- Exhaler
- Inker
- Blackmagic
- Clearfear
- The Ultimate Percolating Coffee Guy
- Wiseguy
- Bombers
- Driller
- Nightlight
- No-Go
- Hacker (BTUF)
- Waxer
- Skyhop
- Xtreme
- Windtwo
- Pause
- Leapfrog
- Darkdirt
- Hanger
- Slamdah
- More-Shore
- Quadsquad
- Flap-It
- Polarmole
- Locks
- Blankfaint
- White-might
- Wildsurfer
- Flamicle
- Spotifly
- Apering
- Radio-Active
- Bencubra
- Ultimate Bencubra
- Benlimax
- Blocker
- Rubix
- Draco
- Smallarge
- Ultimate Smallarge
- Ultimate Draco
- Ultimate Rubix
- Ultimate Blocker
- Ultimate Benlimax
- Ultimate Heatblast
- Ultimate Wildmutt
- Ultimate Four Arms
- Ultimate Stinkfly
- Ultimate Diamondhead (BTMO)
- Ultimate Ripjaws
- Ultimate Ghostfreak
- Ult XLR8
- Ult Grey Matter
- Ult Upgrade
- Ultimate Cannonbolt
- Ult Upchuck
- Ultimate Wildvine
- Ult Benblaster
- Ult Benwolf
- Ult Benmummy
- Ult Benvicktor
- Ultimate Chomper
- Ult Benkrabb
- Ult Benanimo
- Ultimate Manaflow
- Ultimate Bendactyl
- Ult Benlevin
- Ult Bengluto
- Ultimate Ek
- Ult Benkrakken
- Ultimate Ditto (BTMO)
- Ult. Eye-Guy
- Ult. Waybig
- Ult Spykback
- Ult Articguanna
- Ult. Buzzshock
- Ult. Spitter
- Ult Eon
- Ultimate Swampfire
- Ult Brainstorm
- Ultimate Hummungousaur
- Ult Chromastone
- Ultimate Jetray (BTMO
- Ultimate Echo Echo
- Ult Goop
- Ultimate Spidermonkey
- Ult Alien-X
- Ultimate Big Chill
- Ultimate Rath
- Ultimate Lodestar
- Ult Badaboom
- Ult. Teleportal
- Ult Swirls
- Ult Overflow
- Ult Megashark
- Ult Musclemass
- Ultimate FuzzBall
- Ult Nanomech
- Ult Water Hazard
- Ult Terraspin
- Ult AmpFibian
- Ult NRG
- Ult Armodrillo
- Ult Fasttrack
- Ult Clockwork
- Ult Jury Rigg
- Ult Eatle
- Ult Shocksquatch
- Ult ChamAlien
- Ult Toepick
- Ult Sandbox
- Ult Mindmesser
- Ult Earthshaker
- Ult Snakepit
- Ult Squidstrictor
- Ult Rocks
- Ult Atomix
- Ult Shellhead
- Ult Icepick
- Ult Flipso
- Ult Sticher
- Ult Boozo
- Ult Fireflight
- Ult Aquatic
- Ult Sweller
- Ult Bloatbomb
- Ult Osmon
- Ult Longstar
- Ult Hotshot
- Ult X-Rayer
- Ult Red-Dust
- Ult Blueglider
- Ult Zoomer
- Ult Agefier
- Ult Elementmaster
- Ult Jewels
- Ult Bullets
- Ult Darkflame
- Ult Bendactyl
- Ult Putty
- Ult Nightmare
- Ult Angelhands
- Ult Bonehead
- Ult Creeper
- Ult Razredge
- Ult Joker
- Ult Overeater
- Ult Snotshot
- Ult Exhaler
- Ult Inker
- Ult Seasonal
- Ult Crackalacka
- Ult Blackmagic
- Ult Clearfear
- Ult Bombers
- Ult Wiseguy
- Ult Driller
- Ult No-Go
- Ult Nightlight
- Ult Waxer
- Ult Hacker
- Ult Skyhop
- Ult Xtreme
- Ult Darkdirt
- Ult Windtwo
- Ult Pause
- Ult Leapfrog
- Ult Hanger
- Ult Slamdah
- Ult More-Shore
- Ult Quad-Squad
- Ult Flap-It
- Ult Polarmole
- Ult Locks
- Ult Blankfaint
- Ult Whitemight
- Ult Wildsurfer
- Ult Flamicle
- Ult Spotifly
- Ult Apering
- Ult Radio-Active
Aliens in the Fusetrix Saga