Alan appears differently than the canon version. He is a full Pyronite, and a Plumber on Pyros. He calls for assistance when Fire Salamanders attack his planet, getting Brago's and John's help.
In John Smith 10: Omniverse, he returns, when Ragnarok's ship circles around Pyros. He calls for help, and gets it in the form of Kevin and Manny.
Alan appears like he does in the canon series, being chased by the Police. He's an old friend of Ester, who comes to his aid. The police think he is causing the heat wave occurring, which was really a Highbreed Weather Tower, run by Seebik. Alan helps Ryder and Ester stop Seebik, proving his innocence.
He returns when it's revealed that he was captured by SACT and thrown into Area 51. Ryder and Ester free him, but Psyphon convinces him to join his army that is attacking. Alan eventually goes with Lt. Steel to join the Plumbers.
Alan appears as a member of the Rooters. He attacks Argit in broad daylight, but is saved by Swift, who uses a loophole in the law to get him free. He later appears with the rest of the Rooters to fight Argit.
Alan first appeared being chased by Sunder, who had been hired to capture him. After running into Jane and Lucy, they manage to drive Sunder off. Afterwards however, he is attacked by Leander, and captured. He later joins the Rooters after having his memories restored.