Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Agrioskylo is a Vulpimancer who works for Azmuth. Ren Suzuki turns into Cyber Wildmutt when his DNA is scanned.


He looks like Wildmutt in the original series, except with Omniverse’s collar. He formerly wore the Cybertrix as a back brace.


Agrioskylo was first found injured by DNAliens by the Detective Club, and taken to a nearby vet. However, said vet was REN’s father and was out on call, but Ren was still available. He was able to treat the Vulpimancer, who gave him the Cybertrix as gratitude. He later helps the group track down Prisoner 666.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being a Vulpimancer, he shares all of Wildmutt’s abilities.


Being a Vulpimancer, he shares all of Wildmutt’s weaknesses, though his lack of communication is less severe as Ren can understand him.


Agrioskylo is a transliteration of the Greek Αγριόσκυλο, meaning "wild dog".
