Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ultra Ben
Season 2, Episode 7
Air date 29 November 2012
Written by Maximus Loo2012
Directed by Maximus Loo2012
Episode Guide
Rath of the Matrix

Aggregor: Turn into Terraspin

Terraspin: No...

Aggregor absorbs him


Ben: No, not another!

Aggregor: Turn into Armodrillo

Armodrillo: No!

Aggregor absorbs him

Kevin: Hey, Aggy!

Aggregor: You will not distract me.

Taedenite Kevin: I can!

Aggregor emits a radioactive blast

Taedenite Kevin: I got to do this (absorbs the blast)

Taedenite Kevin smashes Aggregor with a Taedenite club

Aggregor: Uhh. (faints)

Waybig: Waybig! (stomps on Aggregor)

Kevin traps Aggregor in a Taedenite cage

Ben: Go to Galvan Mark II. Now.

Galvan Mark II

Azmuth: Aggregor is back?

Ben: Yeah. I need you to remove AmFibian and Water Hazard from my list.

Azmuth: (chants a list of codes)

Ultimatrix X: AmFibian and Water Hazard removed from Ultimatrix X.

Ben: Good.

Rustbucket III

Ben: Stop at the Plumber's Prison ship.

Kevin: Hmmm, Plumbers Prison Ship: Large iron bars which are not rare. Cost is about 50 cents.

Ben: Good. He can't earn cash. Just put him there so he can be stranded since there is nothing there. Unless he destroys the ship.

Plumbers Prison Ship

Ben: Drop him down.

Kevin: I'll drop you down. 

Ben: What?!

Kevin: I am Vilgax

Ben: Come on!

Clockwork: Lets go to back when Vilgax wwas still here. I mean I, since I'm gonna freeze you.

1 week ago

Vilgax: Gaa! (secretly shoots a mind control pod to Kevin's ear)

Ben: Lets move, Kevin.

Kevin: Uh...Yeah, Ben.

Clockwork: Ergghhh. (eradicates the mind control pod)


Ben: Drop him down.

Kevin: Sure, man. (throws Aggregor down into the Ship)

Ben: Thats the end of him.

Plumber Prison Ship

Aggregor: This ship may be barren. But it is a ship. This shall be my new base. (attacks the prison guards)

Prison Guards: Oof. (turns on Plumber's badge)

Maxwell Tennyson: Aggregor is on the loose.

Azmuth: I told you.

Maxwell Tennyson: All Plumbers on Earth, stand on defensive position. We have a new threat by Aggregor.
