Access Denied is the fifth episode entirely, of Omniversal.
Omniversal | |
Season 1, Episode 5 | |
Air date | none |
Written by | User:Ren X-King |
Directed by | ^ |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Race to Kinet |
Next Interview with Ren and friends |
The rest of the team gets engaged in the war.
To see the previous episode, click here
At the Team's Head Quarters
Ashley: (robot pours her a cup of coffe) Classic.
Ren A: Yah, me and Ken built it. We're totally changing this place from nerdy "headquarters" to "hangout".
Ashley: K. Wait! It's been 45 minutes and they aren't back yet!
Ren A: Let's go get the- (sees a flashing green light outside) Another portal!?!
Ashley: Who is it this time?
(A bunch of people come out)
Ren A: What the? Another Invasion?
Ahmad: Um, where are we? My name's Ahmad.
Ren A: That's what we've been trying to figure out.
Oussama: Oussama. Why are we here? Start talking!
Ren A: What if I don't wanna? (stands up to Oussama) What will you do?
Zein: Knock it off, guys! We're all confused.
Ren A: Whoa! You look just like Jetray?
Zein: Who?
Ren A: >.> Nobody.
Blank: Hello. I'm Blank.
Ren A: Fasttrack, and an Omnitrix? You've got to be kidding me!
Pip: And I'm Pip.
Ren A: Who said that?
Pip: Me!!!
Ren A: WHO!?!?! >.>
Pip: GRRR (leaves the room)
Ren A: Who was that?
Blank: It was Pip. My name's Blank.
Ahmad: Ahmad, this is Oussama, and that's Zein.
(two more poeple enter the room)
Ginny Flame: Hello, I'm Ginny Flame.
Ahmad: Do you have any powers?
Ginny: No, but Kai Knight does.
Kai: Hi, I can transform into these ali-
Ren A: Yah, we know I can too.
Ashley: Ren A, we've spent 15 minutes introducing ourselves! We need to go to Kinet!
Ren T: (comes in) K, let's do it!
Ashley: This time, I'm coming too!
Ahmad: Let us come!
Ren A: I'm sorry, but no.
Ashley: Come on, Ren! We need as many people as we can get.
Blank: Cool! (goes to get Pip) I got Pip.
Pip: Kewl!
Ren A: Oh I see you!
Pip: >.>!!!!!! Yes, I'm short. I'm a Galvan.
In Speedy's Universe, in space
Pip: (piloting) So, where are we headed?
Ren A: Kinet.
Ashley: Wait, where is Kinet?
Pip: Don't worry, I know where it is.
Ren A: Hey Ashley.
Ashley: What?
Ren A: Any chance you take me to my Universe, just for a little bit.
Ashley: I don't think so >.> Hey Everyone! (gives each person mana watches)
(Everyone starts talking)
Ashley: Stop!
(They stop talking)
Ashley: use these watches! We only have an hour! Use them to tell how much time there is left! When 10 minutes are left, report back to Kinet immediately!
Ren A: Ok!
Pip: Um....guys? There are Kinet Guardians out there. We need a Kineceleran to go out there.
Ken A: My Omnitrix ran out of energy it'll take a minute to transform.
A minute later...
Blank: (stacking cards)
Ren: (transforms)
Blank: (finds his cards all messed up) G-GAH!!
XLR8: ^_^ Classic. Sure I can survive in space?
Pip: As a Kineceleran, yes.
Ahmad: (transforms into XLR8)
Ahmad XLR8: The more Kinecelerans, the better.
Outside Space
Droid #1: Two Kinecelerans? You may most definetly pass.
(Spaceship go on to Kinet, throught the harsh winds)
On Kinet
Ashley: Everyone leave the spaceship here. We're going back into Space to help the rest.
Blank: (transforms)
Electro Cute: Electro Cute!
Ashley: AWW!! SO CUTE!!!
ElectroCute: Snap out of it! (slightly shocks Ashley)
Ashley: Ow! Not cute! (puts on spacesuit) Ginny, watch the spaceship. Somebody transform into something to carry me to space.
Zein: I'll just take you.
Ashley: K.
Zein: (carries Ashley)
Kai: (transforms to Ice Blade)
Glen: (transforms to Sonic Boom)
Ren T: (transforms to Shard)
Ahmad: (transforms to Storm)
Ren A: (transforms to Jetray)
Zein: O.o Alot of transformations.
Storm: We have a whole team of heroes! And I got a good alien!
(They all fly to Space where the rest are)
In Space
Ashley: (spacesuit on) What up!
Ren E Jetray: Hey! I see you brought a new crew along!
Speedy: get out!
Speedy: Look what you guys did.
Ren A Jetray: We really need a new name to call ourselves.
(they all fly towards the Tetramand ships, along with many Kineceleran soldiers)
Inside the Ship
Oussama: OK. We made it into the spaceship. What now?
Ren E Jetray: I have an idea! Wait a minute. Forget my idea!
Zein: O.o?
E Jetray: Screw it! Speedy, what's your idea? You are the only one in this team who was originally supposed to fight the Tetramands.
Speedy: Thanks. First of all, there are too many of us.
Pip: How we fix dat, hmm?
Speedy: Who was that?
Pip: Down here.
Speedy: Oh. We need to split. How many members are there?
Ahmad: (starts counting) 1....2....3....4.....5....6.....7-
Marcus: Shut it! 18 members so HA!!! I COUNTZ FASTER!!!
Ahmad: >.> Dude, chill.
Speedy: 18 members!?! alot of people here! We'll split into 3 groups.
Marcus: Kewl.
Speedy: Um.......Group 1 is the Kinetics.
Ashley: lolwutt?
Speedy: It consists off me, Ashley, Cassie, Zon, Ren E, and Keoff.
Ashley: K
Cassie: YAY!
Zon: (wolf howl)
Keoff and Ren E: O.o!!!!!!
(The Kinetics go into the Generator Vault)
Ahmad: OK, Guys! We plan the rest! Oussama, Zein, Marcus, and Glen come with me. We're the Anti-Tetra!!!
Marcus: Lame, but cool!
Ashley: Let's do it!
(The Anti-Tetra leave)
Kai: That leaves the rest of us! Ren A, Ken, Blank, Pip,
Ren T: Oh that's just great!!!!
Kai: Im sorry, I really am!!! I tried my best to memorize everyone's names....there's like 18 members!!!!
Ren T: I'm Ren T. >.>
Kai: and Ren T!!! We're the......Khoros Invaders.
(The Khoros Invaders leave)
The Generator Vault
Speedy: K, so we go to the center of the ship and Defeat the Khoros king.
Keoff: I bet there's evil versions of us, with Evil Speedy saying "K, so we go to the center of the ship and Defeat the Kinet king."
Speedy: >.> That would suck!
Zon: Where is the center of the ship?
Speedy: That, we have to find out.
Ren E: Weird....
Cassie: (looking at an engraved symbol) Check it!
(Everyone else looks at it)
Ashley: Some weird logo-thingy......
Speedy: Oh that's just what the young Tetramands do when they come onto the ship.
Cassie: Kewl.
Zon: How'd you know?
Speedy: My friend told me. She's a young tetramand, so she has no idea about this war.
Ren E: Hmm....
Zon: How did you get to her without the Adult Tetramands knowing?
Speedy: OK, Zon stop asking questions!
Zon: >.>
(A bunch of Tetramand soldiers appear.)
Speedy: (curses)
Ren: What she said. (transforms)
XLR8: Time to whip some booty! (dashes to the Tetramands and kicks one)
Ashley: (starts shooting mana bolts at a Tetramand)
Speedy: (dashes to the Tetramands, takes one down, both falling over the bridge)
Cassie: Speedy! OH HELL NA!!! (transforms)
Sea Grade: (transforms into an electrical flying carpet, saving Speedy and the Tetramand)
Zon: Keoff.....just multiply into thousands of clones and fight them.
Keoff: bad idea. Cloning can sometimes drain my life energy. The more I clone, the less time I have till I must clone back. (clones into 10) But this'll work! (Starts hitting Tetramands randomly)
Zon: k....(starts clawing down Tetramands)
Tetramand Guardian 1: Stop this now! (pulls out a huge Tetra blaster)
XLR8: Whoa......never knew Tetramands were smart...
Speedy: No, they just build strong tech, we Kinets build tech that functions faster.
XLR8: (detransforms)
Ren: what the?
Keoff: Ren dude! He's aiming the blaster straight at you!
Ren: wha?
Speedy: OH NO!!!
Tetramand Guardian 1: (fires at Ren)
Four Arms: guys, I'm fine! And a new alien too!!!!
Speedy: YAAAAA
Cassie: AAAAAY
Four Arms: 0.0 (starts beating up a bunch of Tetramands) Whoa! These guards are like the nerds at my school!
(All of the guardians are defeated)
Ren: Gladus can phase through all these levels! The ultimate cheat code!!!
Speedy: Anything going intangable can be zapped and killed. :P
Ren: >.>
(The Kinetics start walking on to Level 2)
The Anti-Tetra
Ahmad: OK.
Oussama: Why are we the only team with 5 people? I feel unsafe.
Marcus: Toughen up! We Osmosians are tough!
Oussama: kk jeez luis!
Glen: So....onto Level 1?
Zein: Yep. Wonder what that is?
(The team meet a gigantic pool of sharks)
Zein: O.0
Oussama: We gotta cross it?
Zein: No problem!
Glen: No, we gotta go in it.
Zein: O.O What!?!?!
Ahmad: Well......(transforms)
Ripjaws: I knew I had a fish alien in here! Weird aquatic voice though...
Zein: OK....We got Ahmad and me, who can breathe underwater now.
Marcus: But I can't!
Oussama: Me neither! Why don't we absorb Ripjaws!
Ripjaws: that wont turns out great. D:
Glen: Don't worry! (transforms)
Gulpa: S'up
Marcus: Uh-oh....
Oussama: What?
Marcus: We're going into his mouth..
Oussama: O.o
Gulpa: Now they can climb in my huge mouth and I can take them underwater.
Ahmad: Let's go!!!
In the Water
Gulpa: K, the Sharks don't notice us.
Oussama: You had to say that.
(Sharks start coming after them)
Zein: RUN!!!! Da-fuq? SWIM!!!!! (starts swimming away)
Oudsama: :O I see a portal!
Gulpa: How?
Marcus: Dude, your mouth is transparent from the inside.
Gupla: Where do you see the portal?
Gulpa: Oh.....wait....0.0.....That ain't no portal.......IT'S A WHIRLPOOL!!! (starts swimming the opposite direction)
Zein: (does the same but sees the Sharks) SHARKS OR WHIRLPOOL, guys?
Gulpa: You know what? Sh- (gets sucked into the whirlpool)
Ripjaws: We might as well follow them.
Zein: (swims into the whirlpool with Ripjaws) Whoa.
Ripjaws: We're in a tunnel!
Oussama: YA DONT SAY
Ripjaws: >.>
Marcus: And Glen chose sharks.
Gulper: >.>
Zein: Hey! I see a narrow spot were we can esape the sharks! (flys toward it and gets in the narrow spot)
Ripjaws: (does the same)............Glen, what's wrong?
Gulper: With Marcus and Oussama, I can't pass through!!!
Ripjaws: OH GOD!!!
Zein: Marcus and Oussama will have to hold their breaths.
Gulper: (releases them and goes through with Oussama, but Marcus gets stuck)
Marcus: (blub) (blub)
Zein: NOOO!!!
The Khoros Invaders
Ken: Our team name is lame *was saying that the whole time*.
Kai: Just shut it!
Ken: Whatevs. Where are we?
Ren A: I don't know.
Ren T: Hmm...(sees a Tetramand rapper blocking the exit) um...hello?
Tetramand Rapper: Yo what uuuuup!
Ren T: Can we pass?
Rapper: Hell na! If you wanna pass, beat me in a rap battle.
Blank: None of us can rap!!!
Pip: You don't say!!!
Blank: >.>!!!
Pip: >.>!!!
Ginny Flame: I could try. I've been rapping for a whole year.
Kai: Really? Kewl......wait...aren't you supposed to guard the ship?
Ginny: Oh 0.0
Kai: Whatever.
Ginny: No cursing
Rapper: >.> Whatever.
Announcements: GINNY FLAME VS. BRYCE LUIS!!!!! BEGIN!!!
To see the rap, click here.
Rapper: OOH!!! DEFEATED!!!
Ginny: :( I'm sorry, guys. I tried.
Kai: Dude, don't blame yourself. We all failed our huge team.
Ken: Maybe not.
Ren A: What?
Blank: SAY WU?
Ken: Ren, remember that alien I called Rap-a-doo.
Ren A: Yes, I guess so.
Ken: I think he might be able to rap.
Ren A: You can't assume that.
Ken: Yes I can! His Omnitrix is on his cap, put backwards. What else could he do?
Ren A: Do what you want.
Ren A: Whoa!
Rap A Doo: Whoa, new alien, can he rap? Or was all this alien was, just a trap.
Blank: Whoa! You talk in rap language?
Pip: Incredible. My species are currently studying this alien.
To see that rap battle, click here
Rap A Doo: I won!!! I fire like a gun!!! (detransforms)
Ken: My favorite alien!
Ren A: Hope I have that dude too!
Pip: Nice!
Blank: EPIC!!!
Ren T: I can't believe my fuqing eyes!
Tetramand: Well, you beat me. You may pass.
(The Khoros team go on)
The Kinetics
Speedy: We beat them!
Tetramand King: (in the other room) WHO IS IT!?!?!
Speedy: (low voice) One of your servants.
(The Kinetics bust into the room)
T. King: What he? How'd you get past my- (looks on the camera) Oh.
Speedy: It's the Kinet Princess.
T. King: Fine. If you want me to retreat, you all must beat me in battle.
T King: I took down a baby Tokustar
Cassie: So?
Zon: Guys, Tokustar = Way Big
Ren: O.o
Ashley: 0.0
Speedy: O.O
Keoff: o.o
Cassie: O_O
T King: Well, let's begin!
Ren: (transforms)
Minace: (walks closer) You won't like this guy.
(The Kinetics start fightin T King)
2 minutes later
T King: I guess you have beaten me!!!
Speedy: Yah! Now Surreneder!
T King: Hell na! Who do you think I am!
(alarm starts ringing)
T King: w-w-what's that? This ship is going to self destruct!! We adults can get ourselves spacesuits!
Zon: Hmph!
T King: But what about the children and the elderly!?!?!
Zon: Oooh trouble.
T King: Grrr! (runs out the room)
Ren Edward: (grabs Speedy)
Ren: We need to worry about saving ourselves!
Speedy: Ashley's shield.
Ashley: It won't last long in space!
Ren: Speedy's safe. (transforms)
XLR8: I'm safe now.
Zon: I will suffer the worst! D: My senses are greatly high!
Keoff: I will suffer also!
Ashley: Hmmm....
Cassie: (transforms)
SpeedGate: I'm fine now.
SpeedGate: This is a life-slash-death situation!
Ashley: I can teleport!
Zon: YAY!!! Teleport us back to the other Universe!
Ashley: O.O!!!!! We have 20 minutes to get back to our universe!
Zon: :O
Speedy: We have to win the war!!
SpeedGate: We have to be brave! Would you save 6 lives (us) or thousands?
Zon: Thousands.
Speedy: Let's teleport to Kinet.
(Ashley teleports them)
On Kinet
Speedy: Ok. We just stay here and wait.
The Anti Tetra
Marcus: (blub) (blub)
Gulpa: OH NO!!! (pulls Marcus out and back into his mouth with Oussama)
Marcus: (gasps for air) phew!
Oussama: IKR!!!
(they hear the alarm ring)
Gulpa: This place is gonna self destruct!
Ahmad: How will we survive space? (transforms)
Gulpa: I'm okay like this.
Zein: Me too.
Gulpa: Marcus and Oussama will sat in my mouth. We gotta get to Kinet!
(The Anti-Tetra fly into space, towards Kinet)
On Kinet
Ashley: What's up!
Gupla: Hey! (releases Marcuc and Oussama, then transforms)
The Khoros Invaders
Ren T: What's going on? (sees a bunch of Kinet prisoners, locked in jailcells)
Blank: What happened.....
Kai: We gotta get them out!
Ginny: but how?
Kai: I don't know!
Ken: None of my aliens can get them out, considering Way Big is too big.
Ren A: Me niether.
Blank: Pip, what's wrong?
Pip: It seems there are baby Tetramands in play room next to this jail.
Kai: Guys, stop! We need to plan this.
Ren T: I have a great idea.
Kai: What?
Ren T: You guys get them out somehow, and.....(transforms)
Doppleganger: I can turn into a spaceship and take you guys to Kinet. (gets out of the window in space and turns into a spaceship)
Kai: K.....Ginny, your good with babies. Make the Tetramand babies feel better while the Anderson twins put them on the ship!
Ken and Ren: OK! SIR!!!
Ginny: I guess..... (goes with Ken and Ren to the play room and starts loading)
Kai: The rest us....release the Kinecelerans....they can survive in space, so don't worry about loading them in the spaceship. (transforms)
Four Arms: Oh yah!
Pip: K. (takes out a machine) I'll use these to get them out!
Blank: (transforms)
Ghotht: I'll phathe them out! Creepy voice!
(They start freeing the Kinecelerans)
On Kinet
Speedy: They realize they do have 10 minutes left...
Ashley: OH GOD!!!
Zon: Wait....guys?
All: What?
Zon: There's a whole group of Tetramands flying to this planet.
(The Tetramands land, and a war with weapons and projectiles start)
Speedy: (hiding with the rest) I wonder who the Tetra Princess is?
Ashley: We just have to stick tight unti-
(A spaceship *Doppelganger* appears, dropping all the Tetramand bebies, which the Tetramands start catching)
Speedy: cute!
Casse: IKR!!!
(The tetramands get in a newly built spaceship)
Speedy: (walking up to the king) What's going on?
Tetramand King: You saved our children, so we are leaving in honor of your species. Ren my daughter!
Speedy: The Tetramand Queen
T King: her name is Sophie!
Sophie: (runs out and hugs Ren E) Thanks for saving my people!! :D
Ren E: (blushing) You welcome.
Ahmad: Ashley, let's go!
Ashley: No wait! I need something to energize me to teleport you guys back to the Omni Universe.
Dr. Pepper: Someone need me?
All: DR. PEPPER!?!
Dr. Pepper: Yes. I came to watch over you guys, to make sure yall are ok.
Ashley: Kewl.
Dr. Pepper: (shoots a bunch of soda into Ashley's mouth.
Ashley: What the heck was that for.
Dr. Pepper: wait for it.....So, how'd you manage to escape the sharks.
Oussama: HOW'D Y-
Dr. Pepper: I told you, I was watching over you guys.
(Ashley teleports everyone back home)
Sophie: Come back soon, Renny!
Aliens Used[]
- Various
- The whole Omni-Team
- The Tetramands (formerly)
- Various
- This was possibly the longest episode (including the various links.
- I keep saying various, even in the Trivia! xD