Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

 Season 5 episode 10 of Ben 10:Generation Z.

The four heroes fought Kross and Evil Cyborgs again.Then,they proceeded in saving a Talpaedan from the Forever Knights.Sir Dagonet is looking outside the castle.When he saw the heroes,he commanded the knights to close the drawbridge.The heroes tried to jump but they fell down the river.There,they encountered Robot Crocodiles and Robot Seahorses.They destroyed all of those.Kevin absorbed metal from the castle walls,morphed his hand to a mace,and striked the vertical drawbridge.Now,Ben used Lodestar then Ultimate Lodestar to destroy the Mechanical Dragon.Now,they entered the castle and fought the Forever Knights.Now,Ben becomes Armordrillo and pummeled Sir Dagonet.Now,Gwen saved the Talpaedan,who reveals himself as Magister Armandile,a plumber.Now,Armandile thanked the heroes and digged through underground.The heroes went out of the castle then they met Reinrassic III.Awesome!Reinrassic said that there is an evil warlord in Augstaka.The heroes go check it out by riding his ship with Reinrassic.They went to Augstaka.They saw Vilgax and Psyphon's robot minions destroying the Highbreed Primary Defense Fortress.Vilgax and Psyphon entered the fortress and attacked the Highbreed Soldiers.The Highbreed Commanders surrounded the two as well as the 4 heroes and Reinrassic III.The Highbreed Soldiers from the upstairs fired their laser lances.But Vilgax turned the two assembled Potis Altiare pieces into a laser cannon while Psyphon goes up and takes down the Highbreed Soldiers.Vilgax use the laser cannon to take down the Highbreed Commanders.The five kept on fighting Vilgax.Ben becomes Bigfoot,thunder claps Vilgax,punches Vilgax several times,kicks Vilgax away,and ground pounds at Vilgax.He used Spidermonkey and webbed Vilgax to the ground.Gwen threw mana disks at Psyphon making him fall down the stairs."We can't let him get the fourth piece of the Potis Altiare",said Reinrassic III.Vilgax breaks free from the webs and beaten up the 5 heroes.Now,he and Psyphon went upstairs.The destroyed the Security System at the room where the first piece of the Potis Altiare was.They now get the fourth piece and merged it with the first three pieces.Now,Vilgax and Psyphon ran away.They rode the Chimerian Hammer and flew it away,to Peptos XI.Later,the heroes rose up,losing confidence.Reinrassic said they did their best,and their going to do better the next time.Now,he sent the heroes back to Earth.Meanwhile,in Galvan Prime,Azmuth facepalms.Myaxx said,"Problem?"."Oh for crying out loud!",said Azmuth.Then,the camera shows a bird's eye view of Azmuth's headquarters.

Characters:Ben,Gwen,Kevin,Elena,Reinrassic III,Highbreed Soldiers,Highbreed Commanders,Azmuth(cameo),Myaxx(cameo),Galvans(cameo)

Villains:Kross,Evil Cyborgs,Forever Knights,Robot Crocodiles,Robot Seahorses,Sir Dagonet,Bioids(not fought),R.E.D.'s(not fought),Psyphon,Vilgax

Aliens:Benwolf,Waterhazard,Ultimate Waterhazard,Ripjaws,Lodestar,Armordrillo,Swampfire,Bigfoot,Spidermonkey
