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A Royal Service is the fifth episode of The Mansion.
Evfnye and Yanne's hangout plans turn on the wrong path.
[Yanne is on the phone]
Yanne: So... you ok?
Evfnye, from the other side of the phone: Yeah, wasn't anything serious.
[on the other side, Bind Limb is holding his phone with an extra rope while checking his results of virus test]
Yanne: Good to know.
Bind Limb: So when are we meeting up?
Yanne: How about at 12, I heard they're opening a new restaurant. Maybe we'll grab something to take away...
Bind Limb: Ok, why not?
[some time passes in accelerated motion, the two are seen riding their bikes towards the restaurant, displaying bright words "Royal Service"]
Evfnye: Yeah, exactly what we need. [while looking at menu] Looks affordable.
Yanne: For once, we can rest from these housefires and alien tech.
Evfnye: Well, I really hope so.
[both enter restaurant, use hygienizant]
Yanne: [gasps]
Evfnye: What?
Yanne: I... kinda like this place... but...
Evfnye: I think we can stay-
Yanne: [shaking head]
Evfnye: Don't worry, they won't think anything.
Yanne: Yeah I... hope so.
[later, after the scene passes and they eat]
Evfnye: That waiter seems familiar, but I don't remember where have I seen him...
[Yanne nods. After both finish eating, they go to the paycheck]
Evfnye (speaking to the waiter): There you go. [hands him needed money]
Waiter: Thank you. The exit is [points] there.
Yanne: Ok, thanks. [along with Evfnye] Goodbye!
Evfnye: Well that was actually royal!
Yanne: Yeah...
[as they walk through a decorated corridor]
Evfnye: You think we have to go in this dark room to get out?
Yanne: I suppose yes.
Evfnye: Ok, let's go.
[both enter a dark room, which starts moving down like an elevator]
Evfnye: Hey, we're supposed to be going up, not down!
Yanne: Hold on [activates light on her crystal]
Evfnye: Oh yes, thanks. [with louder voice] Anyone?
[no response]
Evfnye: Is there a way to make your light brighter?
[Yanne touches her crystal, thinking of a bright light, and gets altered to Night Light]
Night Light: And I thought it was a normal day. [uses her light powers] There we go!
[the chamber gets illuminated, Dr. Quotient is revealed]
Evfnye: You?
Night Light: [speechless, with open mouth] Who in the world is this?
Evfnye: Yeah, I met him some time ago.
Dr. Quotient: As I planned. The psycho teen and his monster girlfriend.
[Night Light turns off her lights]
Evfnye: Don't you dare call her a monster, look at yourself, Quotient! How did you even escape prison?
Dr. Quotient: Bold of you to assume I will reveal it.
[he is heard moving away in the dark]
Dr. Quotient: Since she is here too, she can be disintegrated as well.
Evfnye: NO!
[transforms into Knightmare, who is able to see in the dark]
Knightmare: Get away from your weapons, I have two khnives and svords!
Dr. Quotient: Pathetic.
[blasts Knightmare in the helmet, so he is unable to see]
Dr. Quotient: You stupid goblin! I wish you'd get ready for being lasered out!
[gets to a machine with laser pointers]
Night Light: No you don't!
[starts emiting quick flashes, which blind Dr. Quotient. He is confused and blasts a wall, revealing wires]
Knightmare: Better. Thanks, Yanne.
[both time out]
Dr. Quotient: [grunts] That's not all.
[presses a lever which activates a double trap, capturing Evfnye and Yanne and sticking them to the wall]
Evfnye: [while trying to reach the Incomplete Omnitrix] I can't reach it! Wait, can you?
[Yanne tries to grab the Omnitrix, rotates]
Yanne: How do I do it?
Evfnye: Now press!
[gets transformed to Boost Rider]
Dr. Quotient: [as he shields his part of the room] Now I just need to press this lever, and BOOM!
Boost Rider: Not good!
[anxiously looking around, notices wires in wall]
Boost Rider: But what if I, [with an angry face expression]
[uses his tail to reach the wires, starts spinning his wheels]
Yanne: What are you doing?
Boost Rider: Shut up and look!
[keeps spinning, while Dr. Quotient grabbed the level. Suddenly, he grabs his wheels with claws]
Boost Rider: Arghhhhh!
[electrifies himself, as well as all the wires he is connected to. Then he electrifies Dr. Quotient]
Dr. Quotient: Eh! Argh! Ou!
[passes out]
Boost Rider: Now get off me!
[takes some time tro break weakened trap, then frees Yanne]
Yanne: Never again.
Boost Rider: [timing out] Hey! It's not my fault!
Evfnye: Anyway, time to get out.
[scene changes, Evfnye and Yanne are walking out of the fake restaurant]
Evfnye: Never again I will trust these "new" trends.
Yanne: Let's just stick to old stuff.
Evfnye: How about just the store?
[camera slowly zooms out, Yanne and Evfnye stop arguing as they walk away]
Noteworthy Events[]
- Yanne Kondrats first interacts with Dr. Quotient.
- Night Light makes her debut.
Aliens Used[]
- Bind Limb (offscreen transformation, cameo)
- Knightmare
- Boost Rider (accidental transformation)
Alterations Used[]
- Night Light (first appearance)
- Dr. Quotient's "Pathetic" quote is taken from famous a Simpsons' meme template.