Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10: Unbound
Season 1, Episode 14
Written by Steve & Shades
Directed by Steve & Shades
Episode Guide
Vengers Assemble
Freaking Out

 A Maltruant Black is the fourteen episode of Ben 10: Unbound


The episodes begins with Mad Ben, Mega Ben and Bad Ben waiting for Maltruant.

(Nega Ben): Why are we waiting?

(Bad Ben): Beats me.

(Mad Ben): The master should be here.

Maltruant teleports in.

(Maltruant): Hello boys. Thank you for being patient.

They nod and roll their eyes.

(Nega Ben): Whatever.

(Mad Ben): Oi, what's the plan?

(Maltruant): Well, you see...

The scene switches to Ben drinking milkshakes and watching Child-age Super Warrior Skunks.

(Ben): This show is awesome.

He gets a call from Grandpa Max.

(Ben): What now? It seems like you call me every episode to deal with some crisis.

(Max): Maltruant's back.

(Ben): How? I thought he was trapped in a time loop.

(max): He then teleported to some Time machine back into regular flow.

(Ben): Seems legit. I'm on it.

He hangs up and activates the Omnitrix.

(Ben): Let's see here...

He dials the interface. Rath, Molestache, Clockwork, Water Hazard, Humugousaur, and OblivEon appear. Ben dials Clockwork.

(OblivEon): CLOCKWORK! Oh, dang, I'm Eon. Just with my self. Cool, actually.

He teleports to where the evil Bens are.

(OblivEon): Man, I always no where to teleport!

He reverts. 

(Ben): Really?

(Bad Ben): Well, look who we have here.

(Ben): Sooooooo cliche'.

(Maltruant): You say that about everything.

(Ben): Cause everything is cliche'. 

(Mad Ben): Can we fight now? I want payback on this scum.

(Ben): Wow, nice vocabulary. You might get three syllable words next time!

(Mad Ben): Oh, you son of a-

A magical beeping noise is heard over what Mad Ben says

(Maltruant): Yeah, go ahead. Keep him busy while I carry on with the plan.

He teleports out.

(Nega Ben): Meh.

He transforms into Nega Humungousar.

(Nega Humungousaur): Yay! A good one!

(Ben): Ew, ew! Kill it!

He taps the Omnitrix, which finished recharging.

He transforms.

(Atomix): ATOMIX!

The other Bens transform, Mad Ben into Feedback, Bad Ben into Buzzshock. They go into an epic battle, with "Centuries" by fall out boy playing and covering up any noises. When the song is over, then Bens revert, and they go in hand to hand combat with "Mine the Diamond" Playing.

(Bad Ben, breaking fourth wall): Wait..what the hell is this song?

(Dragon): It's Steve's jam, deal with it.

(Nega Ben): Well, I liked the first song better, I must say. But, I really don't care.

(Dragon): That was my jam.

(All Bens): Ah. k.

They continue fighting with no background music. Dragon teleports out. Maltruant teleports in with Albedo.

(Maltruant): I'm back and I brought a friend.

(Albedo): We're not friends. Try, Aqquaintances.

(Maltruant): Yeah sure. I brought a aqquaintance.

(Ben): Albeydo!?

The evil Bens chuckle.

(Albedo): I hate that name.

He activates his Ultimatrix.

(Albedo): Prepare to die, Tenn-

Maltruant stops him.

(Maltruant): Not yet.

(Albedo): Fine!

(Maltruant): We must get Benzaro from his dimension.

(Ben): You mean the zombie me? Lame...

(Nega Ben): That's my line!

(Ben): Still Lame.

Maltruant teleports himself and the other Bens to Dimension 516, Benzarro's dimension. 

(Ben): They got away.  Better follow.

He activates the Omnitrix.

He transforms, and a brass armor Surrounds him.

(Clockwork): CLOCKWORK!

He teleports to Dimension 516 and reverts.

(Ben): Why do I revert as soon as I teleport? I know I'm going to need to transform!

(Dragon): Budget cuts.

Ben nods and Dragon teleports out. Benzarro appears out of nowhere and tries to bite Ben.

(Benzarro): Ben hungry!

(Ben): No, I'm Ben! You're BENZARRO! What do they teach in schools these days?

(Benzarro): Ben hate school!

(Ben): Yeah, I feel ya.

Benzarro transformed into Cannonzarro and tried to run Ben over.

(Ben): Woah!

He slaps the Omnitrix, but it's recharging cuz budget cuts.

(Ben): Stupid economy.

He tackles Cannonzarro who is standing up and slaps his omnitrix, reverting him.

(Benzarro): Ben make Zarro mad!

(Ben): Cool story, br-

The scene switches to Kevin.

(Kevin): I feel a disturbance in the force.

The scene switches back.

(Ben): -o

Ben's Omnitrix beeps, and Ben dials Articguana. Instead, he gets Fasttrack.

(Fasttrack): FASTTRACK! Okay, I admit, he is a little cool. I still like XLR8 better.

He runs away from Benzarro and bumps into Bad Ben.

(Bad Ben): Going somewhere?

He transforms into Bad Portaler. Fasttrack punches Portaler in the face, knocking him out, and runs.

(Fasttrack): Well, I think Rook said I AM stronger.

He reverts as Negative Ultimate Humungousaur grabs him.

(Negative Ultimate Humungousaur): Gotcha!

(Ben): Ohai Albeydo!

Negative Ultimate Humungousaur growls.

(Nega Ult. Hugo): Don't call me that.

(Ben): U mad Albeybro?

(Negative Ultimate Humungousaur): RAWR!

He lunges at Ben. Ben runs into a alley and Nega Ben is there.

(Nega Ben): Whatever, let's get this over this.

He transforms into Nega Diamondhead. He fires diamond shards at Ben. Ben transforms into Blitzwolfer.

(Blitzwolfer): No more wolfing around!

He chuckles.

(Nega Diamondhead): Lame.

(All other Bens): Yeah.

(Blitzwolfer): Shaddup!

He transforms into Goop. Mad Ben turns into Murk Upchuck.

(Goop): I don't like how this will-

Mad Upchuck eats Goop.

(Mad Upchuck): Tasty! 

A green flash appears from inside Mad Upchuck.

(Mad Upchuck): Oh god!

He vomits out Way Big.

(Way Big): Like a Ben!

Nega Ben Transforms.

(Nega Big): Yes, but which one?

The rest turn into their Way Big's

(All): Yes, Which one?


(Way Big): Oh, god! 

Maltruant teleports in.

(Way Big): Maltruant!

(Maltruant): Good job, you posses the power of sight! You get CERTAIN DEATH!

(Way Big): Why do I have to be so damn Smart?

(Omnitrix): Low battery warning. Switching to recharge mode.

(Way Big): Oh crap!

He glows red as he reverts to Ben.

(Ben): Since when did the omnitrix tell me when it would die or whatever?

(Maltruant): New dimension, new rules.

(Bad Ben): There's nothing you can do to stop us now!

They all laughed, expect for Nega Ben who doesn't give a crap.

(Ben): Oh, really? Then, I guess I have to use my secret weapon!

(Albedo): What's that?

(Ben): Orange!

(Maltruant): What?

Orange from Annoying Orange appears.

(Orange): Hey, hey, Alternate Bens! Hey! Hey!

They all cover their ears and leave, except Nega Ben.

(Nega Ben): Hey Orange!

(Orange): What?

Nega Ben transforms.

(Nega Diamondhead): Knife!

He slices at AO.

(Orange): Well..I guess you could say that's not very KNIFE!

He laughs as he fades away. Nega Ben reverts and leaves.

(Ben): what?

A portal opens and Paradox appears.

(Paradox): Hello, Benjamin! Good job on defeating the-

Ben slaps him and teleports to his timeline.

THE END! I guess...

Yeah, it is.




Aliens Used[]


  • ObvilEon
  • Atomix
  • Clockwork
  • Fasttrack
  • Blitzwolfer
  • Goop

Mad Ben[]

  • Feedback
  • Murk Upchuck

Bad Ben[]

  • Buzzshock
  • Portaler

Nega Ben[]

  • Humungousaur
  • Diamondhead


  • Ultimate Humungousaur


  • Cannonzarro